Chapter 15

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Yes, You read it right..
I was looking at some of your comments and it made me smile. So I decided to maybe right a few more chapters. And soon enough it will still come to an end 😂.

Now Let Us start!!

~Six Years Later~


🌹Rose's POV🌹

Six years Had passed ever since me and Hawk had been married. 
We now have two children. And They are a set of twins! 

"Mom!" Apple called from upstairs.
"Yes Dear?" I answered, as I see Apple running down the stairs to me.

"Is something wrong dear?" I asked my five year old daughter as she had tears in her eyes.
"Brother took my doll!" She Cried out as she pointed at my 5 year old son, Axel.
"Axel, what did you do now?" I asked and Axel just gave me a frown. He walked down the stairs and went to us.

"Apple took my toy car!" Axel said as he pointed at Apple. I sighed and Looked at the two.

"Apple, Axel." I looked at the two and they had frowns on their faces.
"Now, Apple Be a good girl and give your brother back his toy car." I said and Apple nodded.
"Axel, be a good brother and hand over your sister her doll." I said and Axel frowns as he nodded his head.

"Alright then! Now what do you want for dessert after dinner?" I asked and they smiled.
"Apple Pie" Apple answered
"Pumpkin Pie" Axel answered the same time as Apple
"Only one" I answered and they looked at each other and glared.

I just chuckle at how cute my twins are. Then suddenly I felt a pair of arms rap around my waist.
I looked behind me and saw My one and only.. Husband..

"Hawk!" I said and he smiled.
"How's the kids doing?" He asked and I turn back to the twins
"Fighting about What's for dessert" I answered and Hawk chuckles.

"You know,  I actually miss the old times." Hawk said as He sat down the couch.

"Yeah... I miss the times when we had fun adventures and fun hang outs." I agreed as Memories came back to me.

"But Still,  I wonder where they are" I said and Hawk nodded.
"I miss them" Hawk said as a frown form in his face.
"I miss them too" I said and A frown also formed in my face.

Then I felt four little arms wrap around my waist.
"Don't be sad mommy!" Apple said as she gave me a smile.
"Mommy's not crying" I said as I wipe My tears and carry her.
"Mommy, Why does Daddy look sad?" Axel asked as he pointed at Hawk.
"Daddy and Mommy just miss their old friends. Okay?" I said and they nodded.
"Daddy Don't be sad!" Axel and Apple said as they gave Hawk a hug.
"I won't" Hawk said as he kissed the twins on their foreheads.
"Aww" I coo and then Apple looked at me.
"Mommy Join us!" Apple said as she pulled me closer to Hawk and Axel.
"Group Hug!" The Twins shouted and hugged us both.
"I love you Rose" Hawk said as he looked into my eyes.
"I love you too Hawk" I said and give Hawk a peck on the lips.
"Ew!! Kissing!" The twins shouted, Hawk and I just laughed at them.

Then the door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" The twins said in unison as they ran towards the door.

"So Cute" I said and followed the two.

I made my way to the door to be greeted by a very familiar voice.
"UNCLE!!!" The twins shouted with excitement in their voices.

Alright then. Now that we're done with that. I will now say farewell.
Readers: AUTHOR!!
Fine, Fine, Fine.  I won't stop here. Yet.  HAHAHAH
But Still, I hope you enjoy this Chapter Even though Its been already a year? Or so. But I missed writing here😊 So Here's the Chapter 15 It's kind of short since I put a clip hanger😂
Anyways, My fellow Readers now isn't the end...  Yet..

"Love at First Sight" (Hase)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz