1. Breathless

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       "My Queen, it has come to our attention that The Calaveras, have been smuggling drugs across the border

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"My Queen, it has come to our attention that The Calaveras, have been smuggling drugs across the border." A loyal lackey of hers kneeled in front of her, his head bowed down. She hummed in annoyance, tapping her fingers against her so-called throne.

The Calaveras were a family of ruthless hunters that Rosalina had crossed once or twice. A problem Rosalina had brought up with the family was: one the killing of her followers, and two drugs. Nobody dared to cross her, with the exception of the Calaveras and Corrine but she was a story for another time.

Rosalina sucked her teeth thoughtfully, before glancing down at the man at her feet. "This problem will be dealt with at another time. I have somewhere to be" She abruptly stood from her seat on the throne, walking towards the door leading to her room. The man hesitated to stand, his eyes glued on Rosalina "But my queen-"

She whipped around, her fiery eyes immediately finding his."What do you propose we do at this moment, Emmanuel. I have places to be and people to see." She seethed, placing her hand on her hip

Emmanuel slowly stood up, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to reason with her "If you leave, The Calaveras will take advantage of your absence. They'll take over." He explained exasperatedly. Rosalina smirked, tilting her head to the side "I'd like to see them try." She scoffed, hesitantly taking a step towards him. " You take charge of the Drug smuggling problem, Emmanuel. I trust you will protect the place while I'm gone." She raised his head up with her finger, before leaving a kiss on his cheek.


A few days after getting her affairs in order, Rosalina set off to Beacon Hills, one of her Lackeys in tow. Her eyes were shielded by her sunglasses, as she stepped out of the car, her red-stained lips slowly pulled into a smile.

She felt a presence behind her, as her lackey took the bags into the tall building in front of her. "Deucalion." She acknowledged, moving her sunglasses onto her head. "Rosalina." He turned to her, a small smile playing on his lips. Rosalina chuckled lightly, turning her head slightly "You look hotter since the last time I saw you" Rosalina joked following him inside the apartment building. "I would say the same, but I can't exactly see you." Deucalion led her into the elevator with Kali and Rosalina trailing behind.

"I can assure, I still look as beautiful as last time." Rosalina teased, crossing her arms over her chest. "So why am I here, Deuc" Her tone turned serious, as she watched Deucalion tense.

"Scott Mccall" Her ears perked up at the name that tumbled off of his lips. She hummed lightly, nodding "You found him." The elevator finally stopped at the requested floor, as Kali led them to the apartment room. She unlocked the door for them, letting Rosalina step inside first.

"I told you, Deuc" She hesitated, mulling over her next words. "My allegiances lie with the true Alpha, no matter how many times you beg." She plopped down on his couch, leaning her head against the headrest.

Deucalion nodded towards Kali, signaling for her to get a drink. "I know, Darling. That's not what I called for." Deucalion grabbed the drink from Kali's hand before Kali handed Rosalina a cup.

"Bribing me with Bourbon" She sipped the drink, staring at the red stain her lips left. "You must be desperate." She mused, watching Deucalion move under hooded eyes. "Scott Mccall's pack, I need them gone. Scott will not be harmed at all during my little recruitment operation." Deucalion explained. Rosalina downed the drink, setting it down on the table. "Deucalion, you know how much I love you." Rosalina began, making Deucalion smirk at her words. Rosalina stood up continuing "Still, I might need something in return." Rosalina stuffed her hands in her pocket. "I'll name my price, once this is over." Rosalina light grabbed his face, whispering in his ear "Until then, you have my word." Deucalion tensed at Rosalina's presence, before sensing her walking away.


Rosalina was summoned at a loft, not a few moments later.

Once she arrived, she glanced back at her companion and granted him a single. She heard voices through the door, before sliding the door open with force. She stood, arms crossed as she observed the scene in front of her.

Kali stood over a man, a piped embedded into his abdomen. "Well isn't this a sight to see?" Rosalina stepped down the steps, glancing over at the girl to her left. "Ennis, long time." She nodded over at the large, burly man before walking over Deucalion. "Sorry about this Derek, I asked Kali to be gentle but-" He trailed off, as Rosalina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"This is me being gentle." Kali retaliated with a hiss to her words. The man looked over at the girl in Ennis' arms. "Let her go." He hissed, glaring back up at Deucalion. Deucalion nodded in agreement "Sure."

Rosalina gestures at Ennis, who let's go of the girl. The scrambles back up getting ready to fight back, but Derek's glare stops her.

Deucalion smiles lightly, amused at the situation "See? We're not unreasonable. But Ennis, if she attacks you again? Feel free to remove her arms. One at a time." Ennis smiles cunningly at Deucalion's words.

Rosalina kneels in front of the Man, a smile playing at her lips. "So, you're Derek?" Rosalina asked him, examining his face. Derek eyed her warily, his mouth zipped shut.

Rosalina smiles, biting her lip lightly "The looks on this one." She purred, trailing her finger down his jawline. Derek jerks his head back before Rosalina abruptly stood up. She hummed in amusement, tilting her head to the side.

Rosalina stares at Derek, a look of nostalgia on her face as she zones out of the conversation. She remembered her early days, the days she first met Deucalion. The day she fell in love with him. And the day he broke her heart.

"You're a fanatic" Rosalina snaps back to reality, raising an eyebrow at Derek's words. Deucalion scowls. "Know me? You've never seen anything like me. I am the Alpha of Alphas"

Rosalina stood behind Talia Hale staring over at Deucalion "The first female Hybrid to ever walk this earth has come to seek guidance, From us!" Talia announced to her pack, watching as they murmured between each other. Rosalina shifted uncomfortably, looking down at her feet. She felt the eyes of Deucalion lingering on her, before blushing profusely.

"I am the Apex of Apex predators!"

"I'm Rosalina." Rosalina let out a small friendly small, shooting her hand out to meet his "Deucalion." He took her hand in his, planting a soft kiss on her knuckle.

"I am Death! Destroyer of worlds!"

Deucalion places a soft kiss on Rosalina's lips, pulling her in for an embrace. "I love you, and I promise I will fix this." Rosalina nodded, nuzzling her head into his shoulder "Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I am the Demon-wolf!"

A shatter snapped Rosalina out of her trace, her eyes finding Deucalion who stood at the head of the room. "Hate it when that happens." Deucalion murmured, before stuffing his glasses in his pocket. "Dramatico" Rosalina scoffed, staring down at her nails. He reaches for Kali, as she leads Deucalion and Ennis out of the room.

Rosalina glanced down at Derek's limp body, inhaling sharply. "Alright big boy." She murmured, drawing the pipe from his abdomen. Derek drops to the floor with an agonized breath, glancing up at Rosalina. Cora rushed over, dropping next to him.

"You're Talia Hale's kid right?" Rosalina awkwardly towered above the two, her hands in her leather pockets. "What do you care" Cora hissed, holding Derek as he slowly healed. Rosalina scoffed in amusement, crouching down to their level "Any friend of Talia's is a friend of mine. Rosalina Santiago." Rosalina reached her hand, watching as Cora's face contorted into confusion. Derek lifted his head in annoyance, a scowl on his face "I don't care."

Rosalina chuckled "You and I are gonna be good friends, Carino"

La Serpiente Hibrida {Derek Hale {1}} [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now