The Tears

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They were back at their dorm. Everyone was emotionally and physically tired, but mostly emotionally.

Mingyu never has cried so hard. He lost one of his closest friends, Minghao. Now, he'll never see the Chinese boy again. There fun, friendly game of cat and mouse was lost forever. He felt so empty. He'll never see his friends ever again. Mingyu didn't know how to deal with these feelings, so he did what he has been doing these past few hours. Went to his room to cry until he passed out.

Seunkwan went immediately to his room planning on falling asleep as soon as possible. He hoped this was all a dream and tomorrow he'll wake up from this nightmare. His face and eyes were red from tears. Seungkwan thought that he couldn't physically cry anymore. His tear ducts must be empty by now. Oh how wrong he was. His room, his room he shared with Chan and Jun, reminded him of the horrors that happened today. Chan was dead. Jun was only hanging on by a thread. He looked at Chan's forever bed and the tears came again. He went to Jeonghan's room to sleep there.

Vernon also had an empty bed in his room. Vernon reminded himself that Soonyoung will be back. He hopes that the best dancer in SEVENTEEN will recover and be able to dance again. Soonyoung was an amazing dancer along with Jun, Minghao, and Chan. With that thought, Vernon could feel tears coming again. Minghao and Chan will never dance again. Minghao, the b-boying Chinese member. Chan, the diamond maknae and future of kpop. Vernon then realized that he was now the youngest member. He did not want to be the youngest. That role belongs to Lee Chan and Lee Chan only.

When Jihoon went to his room, Mingyu was already asleep. Jihoon quietly and gently changed and got into his bed, making sure to disturb the taller member from in sleep. While in bed, Jihoon reviewed what happened today. The performance unit got into an accident. Soonyoung broke a couple of bones but will be fine. Jun is now on life support. Minghao and Chan died. Died, as in dead, gone forever. And as much as Jihoon did't want to believe it, he only could think that Jun will have a similar fate. Jihoon wiped away a tear and decided to go to sleep now. His heart has ached enough for today.

Seungcheol started getting ready for bed. He went through the motions while his heart was someplace far off. He couldn't help but wonder what will happen to them. He honestly didn't know if SVT could continue. Not without all their members. They were a family. A family who has lost two. He hated the evil thoughts that came into his head, but he couldn't help but wonder if Jun will get better, or if Soonyoung could perform again being both physically injured and will probably suffer mentally too. SEVENTEEN was Seungcheol's second family. The members were just as important to him as his real family. Seungcheol did not know what would happen to his family. He didn't even wipe away the tears that fell as we went to sleep.

Joshua sat in his room asking himself why. Why did they get in an accident? Why did Chan and Minghao? Why did God allow this to happen? Joshua was furious at the world, at the universe, and at everything right now. His members did not deserve this! They deserved to be safe and here with the others at the dorm right now. Joshua with frustration and pain punched his pillow. He cursed and yelled at it. With one last strangled cry Joshua hugged his pillow to weep into it.

Wonwoo sat on the couch remembering all the fun times they all had together. Tears openly falling as Wonwoo was surrounded by memories. He remembers when he first met them all. Jun and Minghao with struggling Korean. Soonyoung and Chan with their never-ending energy. He'll never be able to make memories with two of them again. He hopes that when Soonyoung wakes up that they'll continue to make happy memories. Jun came into Wonwoo's mind. Wonwoo hopes with all his heart that Jun will wake up. Wonwoo thinks he didn't make nearly enough memories with the performance team.

Seokmin was loudly crying for the whole dorm to hear. None of them minded. Seokmin's pillow was soaked. This was worst thing that has happened in his life. Four of his bestest friends got in a terrible car accident. This can't be real! Seokmin doesn't know what to do. So, he just keeps crying and crying and crying. Maybe if he cries hard enough, everything will be better.

Jeonghan was comforting Seungkwan. When Seungkwan finally fell asleep, Jeonghan was left alone to his own thoughts. In his mind, Jeonghan thought of all the 'what ifs'. What if they all drove together? That wouldn't have worked, they don't have a car big enough. What if they waited just one more minute before leaving? Jeonghan was torturing himself trying to think of a way he could've prevented the crash.

"Tomorrow will be better," they all told themselves.

Lone PerformerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora