Depuis le début

"I understand, sir. When does this start?"

"Today. Whatever objects you own and have in your room, take them because you'll be staying in the guard's sleeping quarters again."

"Okay, sir."

"Good." Arlo stood up and walked around the desk, motioning for Kai to stay where he was. "I'll be right back."

When the door to the study closed, Kai was engulfed in frustration. He ran his hands down his face and sighed heavily. Of course he was relieved he wasn't sentenced to the punishment written in the rules-which was death. But the King gave him something that was going to be challenging to cope with.

Kai let his hands drop from his face when the door reopened and be glanced over his shoulder. The King motioned for him to come over and he followed.

"I'm giving Iris his own little punishment. He's expected to get a lot of work done for a long while," Arlo then directed Kai's attention to the other vampire standing next to him. "This is Carver, he'll be watching over Iris's room."

Kai had enough common sense to know he ordered a guard because of him. He really wasn't able to see him again.

For now.

Kai nodded at the guard and turned back to the King.

"You can stop by your room, get your belongings if you have any, then meet me in the training hall."

"Yes, sir."

While they all walked down the stretching hallway, only Kai stopped when they walked past the prince's room. He watched the King and the other guard for a few seconds before entering the room. He hoped Iris was still there, still possibly waiting for him. But it was quiet and empty. He didn't have very many belongings, actually he had nothing besides his clothes-which the mansion technically provided. 

Kai gathered whatever he had and met the King in the training hall. 

"Kai!" The vampire was greeted with a hug by Cyrus. "You're back to being our leader, I heard." She smiled brightly at him, her fangs shining . 

"For a while," Kai stated quickly. He'd do anything to shorten his time away from Iris, even though being back with the first class guards already started feeling amazing. 

"It's a convenient time," Arlo piped in as soon as Cyrus backed away, "with all the commotion about the new vampires and everything..practice is all one needs." 

Something hopeful sparked in Kai's eyes, "If we must train, Iris would participate wouldn't he?" 

The King smiled at him, "Yes,  with Carver." The hope vanished, "That is if he does. With the work I gave him he won't be asking to train any time soon. Anyway, the rest of the day is yours." With a farewell to the guards, Arlo and Kai's replacement left again. 

Almost every vampire that was lingering in the training hall came and surrounded Kai. 

"It's amazing to have you back." One female exclaimed while gleaming at him. 

"Okay, you guys are being over-dramatic. I was the prince's body guard for three years, but that didn't mean I never visited. I mean, not even a week ago did we train together." Kai glanced at Cyrus, who was one of the many circling him. 

"That's true. But at least now you'll get to hang out with us some more. Training or not." 

Kai smiled at the female guard. He had to admit he knew he wasn't going to be sulking as much since he was with his fellow guards. He looked over at another one when she spoke up. 

"So what happened? The prince doesn't need a body guard anymore?"

"Oh, he's not going to come and round house kick me this time, is he?" 

Kai chuckled when a male guard covered his face, a priceless memory flashing in his head. "No and no. It's just...the King was right. There are people out there who we need to be prepared to face. Time is critical, so even though it feels good to be back, it's not to sit and listen to how your lives have been." 

Cyrus clapped suddenly, "Well said, sir. I couldn't agree more."

The male hit her arm playfully, "Please, you're going to be the first to start bawling your problems out to him." 

The circle of vampires erupted in laughter, Kai included. 

"What-that's offensive!" 

"No, it's the truth." 

 Kai didn't know what was worse in that moment. Realizing how badly he missed being a part of the first class guards, or realizing he missed Iris already twice as bad, and it hasn't even been two hours yet. 

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