Twelve - Birthday

Start from the beginning

"Noah, you can stay here if you want and help me open the gifts." Millie said, sitting next to her best friend.

"Yes!" He responded, exclaiming happily. "That's when the actual party starts. Let's go, Mills!"

Both put all the gifts on the floors and sat there opening all of them. Unwrapping the colorful papers, opening the branded boxes or bags.

They were halfway there, there were only three presents closed. Millie's mom's, the one she sent through the mail, Aidan's, Sadie's and Finn's.

"Look how cute!" The (not anymore, because it was 3am) birthday girl exclaimed, opening the gift her mom had sent.

A box full of pictures of their family with a beautiful necklace, that ones you can put photos inside it. And also a letter telling her how much they were proud of her and mentioning tons of times how much she was loved and deserved every chance in the world.

"Sadie's turn now!" She opened a Louis Vuitton bag, inside it: a box. And inside the box a breathtaking purse.
"That girl definitely knows me."

She then, opened Aidan's one. It was a book, a horror book. The Horror of Hill House. She stood there staring at the present. She hated horror stories, regardless if they were movies or books. Just not her cup of tea.

"I hate horror stories, h-how couldn't he know that?" She asked, finally realizing how bad the idea of dating someone you barely knew was, especially when the biggest reason is to forget someone you actually love.

"Let's move on," Noah smiled at her, trying to change the topic. He handed her the last one, Finn's. It was a red box from Valentino.

She opened it and was shocked. It was a dress. Not any dress. The one she stared at when they bought vans for her at the fifth avenue. That was about a month before and he must have had trouble to find it. And the fact that surprised her the most was that he paid attention to her, to what she liked, she was amazed.

"I-I" She had no words. Literally none could go out of her mouth. She realized that no one or nothing could lie to a heart.

"Millie, it's your choice. Okay?" Noah said, "I'm going to bed now, good night." He kissed her forehead and comforted her with a smile before leaving.

She stood there, perplexed, for a while. Not sure on what to do. Because her heart led her somewhere and her mind somewhere else.

The confused girl picked up her phone to distract herself for a little while, while she thought about her decision.

She watched the instagram stories and then stopped when she saw a picture of herself in a concert with a little text.

Happy bday Mills,
never loose your essence at any cost,
for anyone or anything.
love you, enjoy your day.

He had posted it. And that's when she realized the right thing to do. Because that was the true Millie, the one that entered that indie concert that day and goofed around.

She pressed her lips together and made a call.

"Aidan, I have to talk to you." She started.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked from the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry but I think I got confused and-"

"You don't need to finish it, Millie. I understand. It was too fast, I got it." He said, calmly.

"I'm so sorry. I put you through this." She put her heart out.

"It's okay. Friends?" He asked.

"Yeah, friends." She smiled, said goodbye and hung up.

If you knew that girl well, you'd know how much she hated hurting people. It broke her heart. She knew she had hurt Aidan, he liked her a lot, and even without loving him she was heartbroken.

She then, pressed in another contact and texted the boy that made her enter that whole mess. Because he was truly the only one that could calm her down anytime.

She texted him and didn't expect an answer because, well, the only people awake that time were either in love or heartbroken.

He surprisingly texted her back fast, because little did she know he was in love with the broken-hearted girl.

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