Chapter 15: Avril my Captor

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**PLEASE read end note. Thank you.**

Teddy's P.O.V

The familiar yet unwelcome clomp of approaching footfalls on creaky wooden stairs stirs me to impetuous alertness. When my listless gaze lazily swoops over the chipped, concrete walls and dirty, stone floor that I have become accustomed to over the past... how ever many days I've been trapped down here, my vision blurs and body slumps. My back roughly crashes against the stake, to which I am bound, as sleep seeks to retake me.

Sadly, I am not allowed to return to the only peace I have these days as a siren sings out to me, "Teddy Bear!"

Quickly after the call, the most horrendous sight enters my vision. The witch "charmingly" grins at me, her magenta orbs staring into mine with absolute infatuation while I stare back with the best of the searing hatred I could muster. This signature glare has dwindled over the days, but the feeling still simmers and crackles deep within.

After our standard stare off, she draws close, sitting criss-cross-applesauce before me. Like a magic trick, from behind her back, she pulls a plate wrapped in tin foil. My dinner.

Avril places it in front of me and lifts back the foil halfway. A pleasant aroma assaults my nostrils as my eyes involuntarily roam over the steaming steak and side of fluffy mashed potatoes.

I quickly veer my head away from the delectable treat and Avril before she has a chance to say, "I brought you dinner. Is there anything else you want?"

Several answers to this question shoot through my head: better room, not being tied up like a prisoner, my friends back, Shelby, freedom. There are a lot of things that I want, but none that I know she will be willing to give me. So I just simply respond, "Can I have some time alone to eat my meal with my own hands?"

In response, Avril innocently chuckles, like I am just a child who requested something absolutely absurd. "Oh come now, Teddy Bear. You know we can't have that after last time." She forcefully grabs my chin and twists my gaze towards her. Then, she proceeds to shove her band-aided arm into my field of vision. There beneath the bandage should lay four scars, the size and shape of pin-prick circles, from when I stabbed her with a fork.

This reminder brightens my face with a cocky grin, lifting my mood immensely at the thought of almost jabbing out Avril's eyes if it wasn't for her damn lightning quick reflexes.

Her features drop into a scowl. She continues speaking "sweetly" without commenting on my sudden giddiness, "And I would hate for you to pull off something worse next time."

"Which is why I said to leave me alone while I eat. If you aren't in my sight then I won't feel a need to gouge out your eyes."

She ignores my threat. "But what if you hurt yourself, Teddy Bear?"

I pause. The thought of suicide hasn't fully crossed my mind, yet. I intend to hopefully exercise all my escape attempts before I go for that final solution.

Before I get a chance to formulate a response, she must take my silence as a confirmation of her assumption. She moves on, mystifyingly withdrawing a plastic fork from out of nowhere. She uses it to scoop up some potato and hovers the food in front of my face. In a motherly voice, Avril coos, "Open up for the choo choo plane."

I manage to yank my face from her grasp, stubbornly wheeling it back toward my friend, the wall. I snark, "It's choo choo train. Planes don't make that sound."

I could noticeably hear her pout with a frustrated huff. "Well you get the point of what I'm trying to do. I never had to feed someone as stubborn as you so come now, Teddy Bear, EAT! I've been quite lackadaisical with you, letting you skip meals, but no more! You gotta eat!"

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