Chapter 7: Avril the Faker

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Avril's P.O.V

Clomp. Clomp. Clomp. My heavy, frustrated feet stomp on the wooden steps below as I continue my trek down into the darkness of my basement. Once I reach the cold bottom, my hand shoots from my body and slams against the adjacent wall, hitting a switch. It hits it so hard that if I wasn't running on straight furry and adrenaline, then it would have hurt a LOT.

The old lights finally decide to flicker on and continue their rave like flashes, but they were doing their job be illuminating the room. Especially the two subjects that were bound, back to back, in chairs in the room's center. I smirk at my own handy work as I cross the room, and stand proud in front of the one, facing the right wall.

I rip the brack sack from the boy's head with such force that could have practically decapitated the boy. I expect him to slowly look up at me with fear in his eyes, but instead he gives me a mischievous smirk, meaning that he has plans on making some fun out of his current situation.

Once his broken blue eyes land on my wide eyed magenta ones, his smirk deepens before speaking with high air, "Why... Look Philip! Our queen has graced us with her presence yet again! What do you need from us my queen?"

I roll my eyes, already bored with Dan's acting. The other one begins to make muffled grunts, trying to respond to his friend's antics. I sigh as I make my way over to Philip. I rip his sack off his head with the same amount of force as before.

Unlike Dan, once Philip's electric green orbs see my fierce magenta eyes, his head immediately slumps down and he fidgets in his uncomfortable wooden chair. An accurate reaction. I smile threateningly as I make up way to the edge where their chairs meet. I take a few steps away from them and cough, trying to get their attention.

Dan at least gets the memo so his hands instinctively nudge against Philip, and he shouts to his friend, "Look alive! Our Lady Avril wants to speak to us."

They both tilt their head towards me, but Philip decides to get an attitude which I quickly pick up with my super hearing when he mutters, "Yeah. So what? I don't have to listen to that bitch."

In an instant, I reach down for the dagger hidden in my shoe, retract it from its hidden holder, and stride over to where he is. As fast as the light above can flicker, I am hovering over him with my knife pressed up against his throat. My eyes glare into his, but he doesn't flinch. I smirk with a little "Hmph!" Must have already broken him. We continue this little string contest as a dangerously close the gap between blade and flesh. I already begin to make a slit when I snarl, "Wanna repeat that again?"

Before Philip could open his mouth, Dan was verbally by his friend's side, ready to defend him, "Now. Now m'lady... Philip... Philip he... Oh right! Uhm... He's just a little mad after not being able to eat last night. Speaking of last night's dinner, could be gracious and not forget about us tonight as well. I mean where would you be if you didn't have us as your Royal Advisors to-"

"Fine, shut up!" I retract the blade from his throat and pretended to walk away, but instead I swiftly twirl around and chop cleanly through flesh as a cry, not as pain-filled as usual, bounces off these thick walls. I smirk down to the floor, at my handywork. A severed ear lays alone on the floor. I look back to Philip's face to finally see streaks of tears run down his swollen, bruised blue, black, brown, red, and purple face.

I prance, almost skip, away back to my original position before being rudely disrespected. I begin to address my two prisoners even though Philip is still continuously blubbering, "Now is the time for you worthless wretches to finally prove yourselves being more useful than just using you as training dummies... I... need... you two to tell me how else I should win my Teddy Bear's heart."

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