Revengers Member Temari during the Snap

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(Sasuke disaggregates into ashes)

Temari- Sasuke(yell)

Naruto- Sasuke is dead

(falls to the ground as tears runs down his face)

No it can't be

Temari- How did this happen

Shikamaru- Temari, Naruto I don't feel so good

(almost falls to the ground but Naruto catches him)

What's happening to me


Temari- Shikamaru

(kneels down and picks him up)

Shikamaru- Am I dying here

(coughs some more and smirks)

Temari- I don't know what's happening

Naruto- Hang in there Shikamaru

Shikamaru- I would if I could

(starts turning to ash)

Man dying is such a drag, stay safe you two

(tears run down both Temari's and Naruto's face as Shikamaru completely turns to ash as Gaara, Kankuro, Rock Lee, Tenten, Shino, Choji, Ino, Sakura, Hinata, and Kakashi comes rushing towards them)

Naruto- Master Kakashi

Kakashi- Good you two are alright. I was worried that you also turned to ashes

Temari- What's going on

Choji- Ninja are turning to ashes everywhere

Gaara- There's not many of use left

(Gaara feels his arm beginning to turn to ash)

Temari, Kankuro

(Kankuro starts turning into ashes)

Temari- Brothers

Kankuro- After all this hard work we die together Gaara

Gaara- It would appear so

(Kankuro and Gaara hugs Temari as tears runs down her face)

Temari- You can't go

Gaara- We don't have a choice

Kankuro- Stay safe sister

(turns into ashes)

Gaara- Be strong Temari

(a tear comes down Gaara's face he turns to ashes)

Temari- No

(screams and drops down to the ground crying)

Sakura- Naruto

Kakashi- It would appear it is our time

Naruto- No not you two

(Kakashi and Sakura turns to ashes)

Hinata- Naruto what's happening to me

(falls into Naruto's arms)

Naruto- Hinata

(Hinata coughs)

Hinata- Naruto I love you

Naruto- I love you too Hinata

(kisses Hinata on the lips as she turns into ashes)

That's it

(slams his fist on the ground)

Temari- Don't worry we'll get them back

Naruto- I would like to know how

Temari- I don't know but we will

(Ino and Tenten helps them up)

Rock Lee- Whatever it takes

Tenten- Whatever it takes

Choji- Whatever it takes

Shino- Whatever it takes

(Naruto takes a deep breath)

Naruto- Whatever it takes

Temari- We promise we'll avenge the fallen

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