The Crash

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For the new episode of Going Seventeen, the group was going to meet up at dance studio. The members were going to create  dances and skits and make fools of themselves. They decided to drive there as units. 

"I'm so excited for today! It's my time to shine." Dino, or Chan, was ready to show Carats is ability to shine. He was gloating to the team leader, Hoshi or Soonyoung, and Jun. All the members were waiting by their respective cars. Seungkwan and Seokmin were joint around by the Vocal car. Vernon was jamming out to whatever song he was listening to through his headphones. 

Minghao walked to the car and being the ever photography king said, "let's all take a photo." So, the Performance team gathered up for a selfie. Minghao, having the longest arms took the photo. It was a cute photo. With them all smiling and bunched together to make sure they all were in the picture. 

"Hey, send that to me."

"Me too."

"Me too."

They headed for into the car and drive away.


Each person in the car was doing their own thing. The manager was driving, yet being a SEVENTEEN manger was tiring. He was running on low sleep and coffee. As much as he loved the members of the group, he probably would quit soon. The job was too tiring for him. Chan and Soonyoung were singing and jamming out to the music. Minghao was on his phone. Jun was gazing out the window, looking at people, cars, and buildings as they passed. 

They were almost there. It was a red light. Jun looked out the window. People were walking the streets, some had their dogs on leashes, others were carrying bags from shopping. The light turned green. Jun saw the car. The car that didn't stop for the red light. It was coming out then with no sign of stopping, maybe even speeding up. 

"LOOK OUT!" Everyone else looked in horror. Minghao was browsing Instagram when Jun screamed. His voice was lost in terror. Soonyoung, who didn't lose his voice, screamed at the top of lungs. The manager barely looked the car before the impact.  The air bad deployed and knocked the poor man out. 

The car hitting them actually did not do fatal damage. However, it pushed the car with the members right into an oncoming bus. The driver tried to stop, but couldn't. The large bus made the car roll over who knows how many time before finally stopping. 

Chan was right in front of the bus. His screams were mixed in with the other members'. He saw the panicked driver trying to stop before  everything went black. Minghao grabbed onto the seat in front of him to save his life. Everything was spinning and turning and hurting.

The pedestrians saw the whole affair. They screamed and yelled. 

"Call an ambulance!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"Are they okay?!?" 

The bus driver went to check the members while a man called an ambulance. The car was badly damaged and broken, the driver didn't know if he could get them out of the car. 

Soonyoung was barely conscious. The smell of blood invaded his nostrils. Everything he hurt. He lost consciousness to the sound of sirens in the distance.

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