Chapter 11/Homefront

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Jade's alarm clock beeped, signaling that it was 6 am. She groaned and snuggled closer to Roy. "Stupid clock," Her boyfriend said with a groan, slamming his hand on the snooze button, effectively shutting it up. Jade looked across the room at her Alice in Wonderland poster. Ollie and Dinah had hunted down one that looked like the one from Jade and Artemis' old room after finding out that their new daughter had left her favorite belonging behind. 

She though back to one certain morning. 


"C'mon, Jade," Artemis said enthusiastically, shaking her older sister as hard as she could. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"What is it Artemis?" Jade asked groggily. 

"They're playing Alice on Disney channel! C'mon don't you wanna watch? Mẹ and Daddy already left! C'mon, please?"

Jade groans. "Fine." She reluctantly gets out of bed, her sister dragging her to the living room to watch the movie. The ebony glanced back at her poster, wishing that it could somehow turn into the movie so she didn't have to get up before her younger sister pulled her out of the room.

-end o' flashback-

"Jade, are you ok? You look sad. Here, let me fix that." Roy bent over her and pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was intense and it took a few minutes to break away. "Better now?" He asked. 

"Better now." The two cuddled closer and fell back into a peaceful sleep.

-time skip-

"I hate college!" Jade cried as she and Roy walked through the forum of Star City College A/N I completely made that up... I have no idea if that's actually a canon thing. 

"At least you're a sophomore," Roy said angrily. "I'm just a stupid freshman all over again."  Random A/N I love how Arty and Jade would both be sophomores, one in highschool and one in college. Cuz Art's in tenth grade and Chesh is 19 going on 20, which is 2nd year of college if she started the year after highschool. Fun fact: If she didn't go to school after she ran away, she wouldn't have even finished middle school. If you are like me and do all the math, Arty was in 3rd grade when Jade ran away, and Jade's 4 years older, so she'd have only been in 7th. Sorry. Getting off topic. ADD does that to you. Anyway, back to the story.

"I survived, so will you," Jade said. "Though sometimes you'll wish that you hadn't."

"That's so cheery Jade. Thanks."

"I try." A group of girls walked over to the couple.

"Hey, Jade!" The green eyed blonde, Angelica "Angel" Fernsby, said. "Hey, Roy!" Angelica, along with the other girls with her, Macie Raymond, Maci Lynneard, Carol Quick, Becky Grace, and Rosita "Ro" or "Rosa" Casarez. They were Jade's best friends. Only Angel, Macie, and Rosa knew about Jade's hero persona, and that was only because they'd been friends since middle school.

The clock struck 8:30. "Oh sh**," Angel said. "Go, go, go, guys!" Everyone ran to their classes, desperately trying to get to where they were going by the time their classes started at 8:45.

-after school-

Roy and Jade walked over to the hidden zeta tube. "Ladies first," Roy said, making a wide gesture toward the machine after opening the door.

"Annoying boyfriends first," Jade replied, shoving him in. 

"Recognized: Red Arrow, B07," Said the zeta. (I know he's B06, but I just wanted Jade to be B06 for some reason.) Jade stepped in. "Recognized: Cheshire, B06." Jade found herself in the cave. 

"Get down!" Roy yelled. The two dropped to their knees as a fire ball hurtled over them. 

"What the h*** is going on?!" Jade yelled. "Who the frick are we fighting?"

"No idea! But I can't find anyone!"

As the ran, the discovered that they were fight robots. Like Red Tornado. The couple ended up hiding in the vents. "Ok, so what happens now? I mean they already took out Robin and our four superpowered friends!" Jade said. "Tornado is one of the League's powerhouses. We're supposed to fight two of him?!"

"We'll be fine, Jade, I promise," Roy said reassuringly, giving his girlfriend a quick kiss. Jade nodded and they started working out a plan. They crawled through the vents and ended up in the souvenir room. Jade's eyes found her sister's mask. She stared at it, thinking back on a day long ago, when she and Artemis couldn't have been any more  than five and nine.


Jade was reading her sister a book of Greek myths. The got to the goddess Nyx. "Nyx was the Greek goddess of the night. She had many children, often evil or bad ones, like Strife and Old Age. She had a mansion of darkness filled with horrors that the mortal brain could not comprehend. She was feared and respected as a powerful being." Jade read.

"She sounds super bad***," Artemis said. Jade chuckled. 

"She does, doesn't she?"

"Yeah. That would make an awesome villain name."

"What, Nyx?"


"You're right. It would." Jade agreed.

-end of flashback-

'Well, she certainly didn't forget about that,' Jade thought to herself. 

A couple minutes later, she and Roy walked up to the robots. Roy held out his bow and Jade offered her sais. When the robots reached out to grab them, Jade pulled two EMP emitters from her belt and threw them at the reds. They collapsed.

A while later, Red Tornado walked in. He walked over to his "brother and sister" and then suddenly went berserk. He started a tornado and sucked up all of the oxygen. 

When Jade woke up a half hour later in Roy's arms as he explained what went down she asked what had happened since they passed out.

"The Red robots disappeared. All three of 'em." Robin said grimly.

'Oh no, oh, no, oh no, oh no,' Jade thought as Roy helped her to her feet. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

A/N I know that I didn't do a very good job with this chapter (it kinda sucks)... I might rewrite it later. Anyway I feel that I should inform you that Thursdays and Fridays are when I'll update this story. Anyway, ciao! -Emma

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