Chapter Six

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Song is ¿Viva la Gloria (Little Girl) by Green Day

'Little Girl Green Day' Jade searched up in her music. Green Day had been her favorite band for years when she was younger. She'd decided that Little Girl must be one of their songs, but it was newish, from the last couple of years as she hadn't heard of it.

Her first hit was a song. ¿Viva la Gloria? (Little Girl) by Green Day, of course. Jade decided that that must be it she hit play. While the music started, she decided to find the lyrics while letting the music play. She googled the lyrics and they popped up just in time for her to read them as they started.

Little girl, little girl, why are you cryin'?

Inside your restless soul, your heart is dyin'

Little one, little one, your soul is purging

Of love and razorblades your blood is surging

Why on earth did Artemis want her to hear this? She thought, not bothering to read any of the lyrics before they were sung.

Run away from the river to the street

And find yourself with your face in the gutter

You're a stray for the salvation army

There is no place like home when you got no place to go

Suddenly it made more sense. She continued listening while reading along.

Little girl, little girl, your life is callin'

The charlatans and saints of your abandon

Little one, little one, the sky is fallin'

Your lifeboat of deception is now sailing

And everything was really starting to come together now.

In the wake, all the way, no rhyme or reason

Your bloodshot eyes will show your heart of treason

Little girl, little girl, you dirty liar

You're just a junkie preaching to the choir

It was definitely making sense. Artemis just wanted to rub salt into the wound.

Run away from the river to the street

And find yourself with your face in the gutter

You're a stray for the salvation army

There is no place like home when you got no place to go

The traces of blood always follow you home

Like the mascara tears from your getaway (Gloria)

You're walkin' with blisters and runnin' with shears

So, unholy sister of grace

Haha, unholy sister of grace. Very funny, Arty.

Run away from the river to the street

And find yourself with your face in the gutter

You're a stray for the salvation army

There is no place like home

That was it. She had been expecting more, but there wasn't any. Jade understood why Artemis wanted her to listen to that song now. It made sense. Jade finally had a little bit more of a true understanding to her little sister's side of the runaway. She felt nauseous. Honestly, she wished that she hadn't been given the look into her sister's mind.

A/N Sorry that it was short and I hope that you liked it. Bye! God bless you all!


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