I nodded my head slowly, my younger brother didn't need the stress of what discussion I was having in my brain. "Yeah I'm fine just a simple nightmare" I took another deep breath before I officially felt calm. I actually took a glance out the window to see the world outside and it looked like every other day. The farmers in the corn fields while their wives cleaned the house. The kids that could afford school walked down the streets like a parade; flaunting their school uniforms to those that couldn't even afford to learn to read. I peered into the house next door to see if anyone had begun to walk up. Leillan sat near her nightstand finger brushing her light strawberry blonde hair into her bonnet, about ready to head out. Crap! That meant I was already running behind! I ran over to my clothing pile that laid on the wooden chair in the corner and ripped out my uniform " get out get out get out!" I urgently yelled.

"But this is my room too" he protested

"I'm already late for- nevermind!" I stormed out of the room and into the bathroom. I was late most days to work so getting ready fast became a talent of mine. It seemed within seconds I had my beige nightgown on the ground and my floor length plain black dress on; it had many sporadic multi-colored patches that I had sewn on. I tied my white apron around my waist and finally pulled my black curly mane of hair into a bun before sliding my bonnet on. As I walked around the house Efrain followed behind me almost like a lost puppy. Though he made annoying noises like an irritating fly; too bad I couldn't smack him with my shoe like I do the insects. He wetted his lips with his tongue before popping them together right behind my ear. When I turned around to snatch him he ran just out of arm's length, a wide smile of success pooled across his tanned face. After a few times of him being a complete pest, I gave into his games and chased after him.

After I managed to catch him I took another look outside. I saw my older brother Taj helping some of the other local farmers herd their cattle. shoot I was later than I thought. I raced to the front door that seemed ready to break free from its hinges "Bye Efrain! Mom and Taj will be home before I will so don't do anything stupid" I howled from the doorway as I laced up my boots. I didn't wait to get a response from him before I was out the door. We were one of the many families in this colony that weren't able to afford school so my brother wouldn't be part of the crowd of kids heading to the school, he most helped my older brother Taj with his work at the farm when he could sneak him in or stayed at home. My mother taught us how to cook, clean, win in any argument, and any basic skill you needed to survive but not how to read and write. Though most people around me don't so I had a feeling I wasn't missing out of a lot. I stopped by leillan's house on my way to work since we lucky worked together. Working as maids for sir Blaize Certax since we were the age of 9.

leillan's Twin brother Quillian sat on the porch step, looking up at the sky as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Which in our colony that wouldn't be wrong. I knocked on the wooden posts of their gate and his dark sapphire eye snapped over to me

"Well if it isn't little Cycy" he said with a slight smirk on his face. I simply rolled my eyes

"Last time I checked we were almost same height Quillian" I argued back. Our families have lived next door to each other since before my mother was born. So naturally, our families became close. "So where is leillan?" he didn't say anything just nudged his head inside. I sighed 'looks like we will both be extremely late' I thought to myself. Quillian went back to cloud watching and I tried my best not to stare at him like a complete creep so I looked down at my very worn down, slightly falling apart black boots.

"Has my sister told you about our pro-" before Quillian could finish his sentence leillan popped her head out the door and stared daggers down at her brother. I could feel an unknown tension from the fence so I decided not to ask what he meant but that wouldn't stop me from wandering. I cleared my throat to gain her attention, leillan slowly looked over at me "we need to go before Certax's decides he doesn't need two very tardy maids". My tone told her there was no room for discussion so with a nod of her head she jogged over to me. I waved goodbye to Quillian as we walked away from him.

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