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                        I awoke violently being shaken. I looked into the eyes of my father shocked to see fear in his once happy, goofy eyes.

                  "Alexanderia get've got to get up." He spoke with shaky words. I nodded my head. My heart pounding in my chest. Fear consuming my body.

                  "Dad..daddy whats going on?" My voice was low shaky from the fear gripping my throat.

          "They're here....thery're out there. We have to hurry now." My father said his voice going back to the strong, steady, calming sound. He pushed me out the back door were Mike, Desile, and Dray stood in their wolves strutting back and forth. You could feel the tension in the air. My mother sobbing came running to me embracing me into a hug. Sniffling as she squeezed me. "Alexanderia you must hurry. Call to your wolf....hurry there's no time. We will hold them off. Run trust your wolf. She will guide you and protect you. Remember your training. Now go!" My fahter said prying me from my mothers arms to hug me one last time before pushing me away. "Go!" The command was seated deep in his voice. I had no choice but to obey. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body. I closed my eyes welcoming the change. I opened my eyes one last time to see my family turning their backs on me. Athena my wolf whimpered to our family, they didn't stop, they didn't turn around they just continued on their path back to the house.

           "Athena.. what's going on?" I asked her worried for our family.

           "Rogues we have to go." Into the night we ran. We ran the fight that was raging on with my family. We ran from the howls of war. We ran from the yelps of pain. Finally we ran trying to escape the pain of losing our family. I knew i was on my own now. Athena pushed us faster and harder than ever before. Stopping only to mask our scent more. I dont how long we ran or how far we went. I saw the sun come up and go down not once stopping. By the time we slowed down the sun was breaking through the clouds. We slowed our pace to a trot panting hard, our muscles sore. Exhaustion sweeping throughs us.

             "Athena where are we?"

               "I dont know Alex. We need to hunt and then rest ."

                We stopped lifting our nose to the and sky and sniffed. Nothing. The wind was still. No scents carried on the wind. I couldn't smell anything on the air. Crouching down we listened. We waited. Finally the pitter patter of a rabbit near by reached our ears. Staying low to the ground we began to inch forward. Slowly crawling our way to the noise. There...a few yards away was a rabbit rubbing its paws acrossed it face cleaning. We waited a second longer before we pounced. The fear was clear in its eyes. Knowing the ending was coming. My mouth closed over it, quick with the death blow. hearing the crounch of its neck. I could feel the pride radiating from my wolf over our kill. She was proud. Carrying our dinner we began looking for a safe place to hide for the night. We soon stumbled upon a small cave. Lingering outside listening for any signs of other animals in there. Hearing nothing we went inside. Eating our fill of the rabbit rubbing my paws over my muzzle. Drifting off to sleep with my stomach finally full. I awoke sometime later the cave was darker than before. I got up and stretched my body shaking my fur.

                      "Alex we are gonna run some more. We need distance."  Athena spoke urging our body forward. I just sighed and let her have control. I still had no energy. It seemed like we ran for hours. Everything passing by. Everything seeming to blur in together. Finally there was moisture in the air each step it was getting stronger. We finally broke through the treelines upon a stream. Walking up to we lapped at the water. Drinking to our fill. Thats when i got a look at my self. I was matted. Leafs and mud clinging to my fur. I was brown from head to tail. Small twigs poking out here and there. I sighed shaking my head. Easing into the cool stream. Letting the cool water ease my muscles. The tension washing away along with the muck. Turning my brown looking fur to a dirty white color. Enjoying the cool water splashing around letting my worries slip my mind. We weren't listening. We weren't paying attention. Maybe then we would have heard the twig snap out or the rustle of the leafs. Finally hearing the growling coming from behind us. Turning around we saw him. Yellow eyes glaring at us, teeth gleaming and snapping, the grey/ white wolf. Growling and snapping. Its fur standing on end. He looked crazed. Almost deranged.

                 "Athena!" I shreiked trying to back away from this beast.

                 "It's feral. One that has not been blessed by the moon goddess forever stuck with the animal. No sense i tell you."  She said easing us out of the water. Only to have him advance towards us. Growling a low warning. A warning that we will mame if threatened. Hoping to scare him. He took it as a changelle. He leapt teeth barred and posed for the kill. 

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