4- Hate

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Cale was pissing his pants (not literally) as he ran towards where his dazed friends were, took his bag and ran towards the hallway.

Praying that the other would not follow him.

" Damn Cale you really did it." Zach congratulated once he reaches where the other was leaning against the wall trying to catch his breath.

" And I didn't chicken out. I am proud of you Cale." He congratulated himself.

" Ooff~ I really thought that he would push you away," Quinn said.

" Are you my friends or what?"

" What do you want me to do? Compliment you? Ewww."

" That thought hurt me."

" I can feel the pain, like who compliments salad over there."

All of them continued, followed by laughing.

Cale huffed as he mentally cursed at his friends.

His mind completely occupied with different ways to kill his friends that he completely missed the empty feeling in his hands. His ears too occupied with laughter that he couldn't sense that the usual dangling was not there.


" Fuck my life!" Cale cried as he sat down on the table.

" What happened now?" Zach asked, a little concerned.

" My bracelet is missing," Cale answered, pouting, his eyes showed immense sadness.

" But I thought the thread-"

" That's what I thought too but I guess the thread broke." Cale stated, his lower lip wedged between his upper teeth.

" Where all did you check? Do you want our help?" Quinn came forward, she knew, they all knew how much the bracelet meant to Cale.

" I checked almost everywhere. But how the heck do I check both the audio vision room."

" Dude if you want we can use our flashlights in our phone and help. Four is better than one right." Candace pointed.

" Anything is better than me at this point. Thanks so much you guys." Cale answered gratefully for his friends.

But soon dread-filled back in as he saw the familiar pair of black eyes at the doorway of the canteen.

" Oh fuck! God really fucking hates me!" Cale bowed a little so the other won't be able to see him.

" What!?"

" The man who I kissed is here." Cale pointed towards the doorway to show them.

" Should we invite him over?" Quinn inquires with an evil glint in her eyes.

" Yes and introduce them both." Candace agrees with the same glint on her face, as they both smirk towards each other.

Cale has a dreadful look on his face as he looks over at his friends with, ' I thought you were my friends ' look. He is amazed how one moment they were ready to help him and then the next moment they do this shitery.

" Dude!" Zach calls.

Cale curses at all his friends with all his might and questions God as to why he has to go through all this mayhem.


Thanks for reading!

Chocolate | BxB |✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora