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Not until Brett ran off into the street light did he realized how sloppy he was.

The jacket he grabbed as he left was unfortunately way too thin to resist the freezing nightfall. Worse, he forgot to bring his phone.

Brett can't help but shake his head frustratedly, watching his own feet keep wandering aimlessly instead of heading back.

The street lamps cast conical light into the darkness. Brett walks through them one by one, as if walking on and off stages, accompanied by the rustling applause from dry leaves whirled miserably by the wind.

His anger has long gone. What fills up his heart now is guilt, regret, the cold and all that --
Besides ,the cold weather has chilled him down.

Brett ceases. He notices a small cafe across the street: it is the only one still opening at this time around here. To be more precise, he notices the man who is sitting inside.

Feeling bored, Eddy didn't get off his phone until he has browsed through all that's trending on Twitter. Then he decides to finally drag his eyes away.

Fortunately or not, the silhouette of the shorter violinist break into his sight even though not being highlighted by the lamplight. But Eddy sees him anyway. And clearly.

Brett sees the man in the cafe standing up and starts walking towards the door. His instinct tells him to run away, but it seems that his legs are oblivious to the brain's conducting. He stood dumbfoundedly, at the dark corner of the street, watching Eddy walks away from the warm light, towards him. Closer and closer. The fragrance of coffee and warmth from the indoor wrapped him around, drowning and spoiling him with the living ordinary near at hand.

Eddy halts in front of Brett, right hand still holding a cup of hot chocolate. Brett wasn't responding. He sighs and shoves the cup of hot chocolate into Brett's hand. He can't help to utilize his advantage in height, covering Brett's wind-blown tinted red ears with his large, warmth-lingering hands.

Their eyes meet.

"Let's go home."
Says Eddy.
His voice is soft. Words drifting low in the dark.

There is no expression on Brett's face. He sees Eddy's lips moving. He wants to point out the fact that Eddy is still covering his ears.

But he hears them all.

The forgiveness, awkwardness and compensation.
He hears them all.


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