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Although it is just early winter, it is still cold enough to trigger your body to tuck both hands inside pockets.

Eddy walks on the street under the dusk where the orangy sunray dyes everything in sight to brilliant red. The chilly air cools down his mind, easing him from his anger. Though he is still confused about why Brett was so angry with him.

He wraps his jacket even tighter, minds wondering, steps strolling.

People always say that time is able to dilute all the feelings. But between the time there is something like the wine preserved in cellars, leaving marks deepened and deepened through years.

Eddy's feeling towards Brett is rather blurred. It makes him afraid of finding out what's that 'thing' beside their friendship.

They almost grew up together. From teenage years to young adults, they have been irreplaceable to each other for a decade. From year to year, their lives have turned into this melodious concerto, as they are forever inseparable.

His soul is incomplete without him.

They know each other more than knowing themselves.

Eddy understands, of course, no matter how he reads into it, the lingering eyes and the intimate interactions in daily life have nothing to do with the kind of love between couples.

His feeling is obscure.

He is not sure whether his desire to touch Brett is to be considered rational.

Maybe the feeling is merely an illusion. He dodges in his thoughts.

it's freezing outside.

Eddy ducks into a café still open.

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