A Recap of Prizes

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Hello everyone! Arlena here and I'm writing for Karin today (she's busy at work).

First of all, congratulations to all the winners! Although I haven't  read through all of your works, I can surely say that the winning books are well-deserved and wonderful. If you haven't won a prize, that's OK! This doesn't mean that your book is bad or you should stop writing — in fact, think the other way around: you shouldn't stop writing and keep improving yourself. 

Second of all, on behalf of the team, I'd like to express my gratitude to all the judges for their hard work at judging all the entries! It is surely an exhausting job, but I hope that you all have gained something throughout this experience. Thank you for submitting your scores on time and the nights you've spent reading through all this work when you could've been enjoying a movie night or taking long walks at the beach (I'm looking at you BooskiBabii)

As the winners of some categories have been announced and the rest will be announced soon, let me recap the prizes again! You can claim them as soon as results are out by sending a PM to our account. For the stickers, please contact DuskieeDawn as she is in charge of all the stickers, thank you!


> A follow from karinberry, our founder

> The first ten chapters will be read and reviewed by karinberry

> The first ten chapters will be read and reviewed by your judge

> You can request a new graphics from any of our aesthetic admins for free (one designer and one graphics only)

> An interview in a separate book

> Your book will be added to our Hall of Fame reading list

> A shout-out

> First place sticker


> A follow from karinberry, our founder

> The first ten chapters will be read and reviewed by your judge

> You can request a new graphics from any of our aesthetic admin for free (one designer and one graphics only)

> A shout-out

> Second place sticker


> A follow from karinberry, our founder

> The first ten chapters will be read and reviewed by your judge

> A shout-out

> Third place sticker

Once again, a huge thank you to all of you for participating in this exciting journey with us and congratulations to the winners!

- Arlena

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