Zack and Anne strode over to Sarah and Franca, holding their hands. Zack and Anne told them that they had the same class together. They left, leaving Franca and Sarah.

Sarah strutted to Franca; she told her that the partner she was paired with was incompetent in the task. She detailed everything that he did, saying she had to do the task all by herself. She said he didn't contribute anything to the task but just sat there, chatting to his friends.

Franca felt sorry for her, she was grateful she wasn't his partner.

"Sarah, I know you are capable of doing it yourself without his help. You my friend are a grammar genius. You are like the English Shakespeare to the science genius Einstein" Franca said sarcastically, wanting to lighten her mood.

"Franca, you are so random. Who says these things? You are such an oddball" She says entangling her hands together with Franca.

"But you wouldn't change me for the world" Franca replied rolling her eyes. Sarah only shook her head dragging her to their next class, which was sports.

Franca rejoiced inwardly, it was one of her best classes. It was Sarah, Anne and Franca's time to catch up on the events of their life, although they called each other virtually every day.

 They would often ridicule anyone that fell or did something embarrassing, like tripping off their shoes or something. They knew they shouldn't laugh at other people's misery, but they couldn't help themselves.

They changed into their sports apparel and headed to the sport hall. Sarah, Anne and Franca decided to play tennis, whilst Zack went off to his friends to play basketball.

When they got there, everyone was already occupied with their various games. Franca couldn't help but to scan the crowd for Jessica. Surely she wouldn't let go of Tyler easily?

Franca saw her chatting to her lapdogs or 'friends' if you could refer to them as that. They nudged her to look at her. She turned to Franca's direction smirking.

What is she up to? Franca thought, she had a feeling she was up to no good.

Jessica was such a bee with an itch; Franca knew this because she broke up a relationship. The couple in concern was very loved up, but she changed that when she went after him. She left him high and dry when he became infatuated with her. He even broke off his relationship with his girlfriend.

 Franca wondered if Tyler knew of her cheating ways. Not dwelling on it, she engaged in a conversation with her friends. They began playing tennis amongst ourselves when she felt a tennis ball hit her head.

She glanced at where it came from and found out that it was Jessica. Franca chose to ignore her and continued playing again, but stopped when a ball hit her again. That was it, she said, she stomped towards Jessica.

"What's your problem, Jessica?"

 "I was trying to decrease the large bulge on your head." Jessica replied smugly.

The straw broke the camel's back. Franca couldn't take it anymore; she grabbed Jessica's hair in anger, tightly clutching it.

Jessica cried in pain wanting to do the same to her, but Franca wasn't having it.

"Catfight" Someone shouted. 

Anne came up to Franca, to stop the fight but she paid her no attention. There was no stopping Franca now; Jessica had unleashed the dragon in her.

Sarah made her way towards Franca trying to do what Anne had failed to do, but Franca ignored her as well. They held her to prevent her from hitting Jessica but to their dismay, they noticed that their hold on her didn't stop her, so they tried another tactic.

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