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Zipper was so worried about what would happen to Brisk after he told Zira. Would Zira get anger or sad. The thought of it gave him a small headache. They kept walking til they finally arrived at Zorilla’s hut. Seaport went up to the door and knocked 3 times. “Come on in I have been expecting you.” A voice called out from the door. They all walked inside to see lots of potions and pictures on the wall. In the middle was a cauldron and Zorilla was stirring it with a wooden spoon. “We finally made it to you!” Zipper cheered. “Indeed now sit down I have something to discuss with you all.” Zorilla said. They all nodded and sat down. “From beyond the forest and under the trees you mustn’t follow the raccoon of death he shall lead you to the fields of bear traps.” Zorilla spoke and stopped stirring. “Yeah we saw em he killed Honeymoon.” Zira said. “He killed honeymoon?!” Seaport gasped. “Yep he was caught in those trap and he was killed.” Winter sniffled out. Zipper had forgotten that winter was honeymoon’s sister. “Oh man I’m sorry.” Seaport said. “Do not take a right turn until you arrive in the guards of grass kingdom’s royal heir.” Zorilla continued. “Galora took a righ turn so she must be heading to her allies.” Zipper said. “I heard that opossum freak!” A voice called out from outside the doors. The they slammed open galora and her gang appeared. Zorilla hissed and swirled his hands until a ball of light appear then he shot it at galora,weed,and Weevil making them fly into a tree. “Get out now!” Zorilla commanded. They all went out but winter made a run for it in the trees.


“You idiots you think I won’t stop that easily.” Galora limped up. Zorilla was ready to attack again but before he could do it. Seaport came charging at galora and shot water at her with his tail. “How do.” Galora couldn’t finish because of the chunks of water being shot at her. “How are you doing that!?” Weed shouted. “It’s my power I have been a faculty opossum this whole time.” Seaport said. “Good going my boy.” Zorilla exclaimed. “Honeymoon!” Zipper said then howled. Then out from the sky Honeymoon’s spirit jumped at Weevil making him topple off galora. “Their distracted let’s go Zorilla.” Zira said tugging on Zorilla’s arm. “Alright.”he snapped his fingers and then Zira,Seaport,And zipper all disappeared. Soon they arrived at the edge of the forest again. “Wait where’s winter.” Zipper wondered. “She’s fine I teleported her back to the palace.” Zorilla replied. “Now we must confront brisk.”


Zipper gulped as he walked through the hall to brisk’s throneroom. He was worried on what his reaction would be. Zorilla pulled open the door  The giraccoon and opossums headed back to the palace to brisk.


After they arrived in the palace stomping their way into the throneroom brisk sat there with a worried expression. He must already know why they were mad. “eh uh hey welcome back!” Brisk stammered. “We know what you did dad that isn't right!” Zira hissed. “Um uh hey seaport I thought you were dead!” Brisk diverted. Seaport sighed and stayed silent. “Nice try but that didn't work.” Zipper spoke. “alright look galora said she would give me all the gold she had so i accepted.” Brisk admitted. “You gave up zorilla's location just for gold?!” Zipper growled. “How could you!” Zira blamed. “Oh shut up when she gets back I will already have my gold and you idiots can't stop me.” Brisk said firmly. Zipper looked around to see the counsel and other royal tiers around them gasping and growling. Queen dazzling was hiding in a shadow nearby. The snicker on her face made zipper a bit suspicious. “You can't do this you piece of cow scat!” Zira cursed. Then everyone stared at her silently. Cow scat was one of the worst curse words you could say the someone. “You'll pay for that listen to who you are talking to you dog liver on a grill!” Brisk returned it. Zira couldn't help but try to attack him but zipper and seaport held her back.”Zorilla was our creator and you tried to get rid of him you selfish pig.” Nightstander blurted out. “Ugh can you all shut up can't you see I'm giving you guys alot of exposure.” Brisk grumbled. “Now I am very disappointed in you brisk you must face your crimes for murder attempt.” Zorilla calmly spoke. Everyone suddenly started cheering. “You're not the boss of me only head of the counsel can decide that.” Brisk said. “We already got our answer.” An old opossum with a red robe and small glasses appeared from behind nightstander. “We shall say that you are hear by exiled by word of the counsel.” The opossum spoke. “No tosi you can't do this to me.” Brisk growled. “Actually we can.” Tosi snickered. Brisk charged at zipper and pinned him down.


“Get off him!” Zira lashed out. “You and your stupid little gang got me exiled.” Brisk murmured as he choked zipper with his mouth clenched to his throat. Zipper thought this could be the end of him but then seaport slammed brisk against the wall. Zipper felt like he couldn't move. Like he was paralyzed. He watched as his sight started to fade as zira ran to him. “Zipper your gonna be ok it's going to be alright.” Zira said. “Let him get up zora he's gonna be ok.” Zorilla spoke. Zipper’s body felt stronger as different spirits were pressed into his body. He got up and howled loudly. Queen dazzling didn't like how unfair the fight was so she charged at zipper. Zipper's eyes glowed and he snarled as he tackled dazzling. Zipper held up his claws and slowly slashed it against her stomach. He hopped off of her watching her vital organs and her blood flow. Her breathing was ramped and she didn't move but close her eyes. Zipper collapsed and shivered. “what was that…” He whispered. Everyone looked at dazzling in horror as zorilla nodded and snapped brisk out of existence. “We have already have a new chosen king and queen.” Zorilla yelled as he stood one paw on dazzling. “Seaport do accept the role of being king of fire kingdom.” Zorilla smiled. “Of course I do.” Seaport was excited but nervous too. “And Zira do you accept being queen?” Zorilla said. “Yes!” Zira replied and hug tackled seaport and gave him a quick lick on the cheek. Everyone started cheering and zipper clapped for them. “I didn't forget about you zipper.” Zorilla spoke. “You shall be our high class fighter in word of zorilla.” Zorilla staid touching his paw on his head. “Thank you sir.” Zipper smiled. “Wait where did Brisk go.” Someone said from upon the throneroom. He was right Brisk had disappeared because he was not found.” He must of ran don’t worry he won’t come back even if he dared.” Zira giggled.


“Hey uh I have an extra soldier for our crew if you don’t mind Zira.” Seaport asked. “Oh whose on your mind?” Zira spoke. Seaport whispered in her ear nd she laughed. “Of course she can!” Zira replied. Zipper wondered who it was then he turned towards zorilla. “I must go now be safe my young ones.” Zorilla bowed then disappeared into the silent room. “So who was it.” Zipper asked Zira. “Jade.” She replied.

Zorilla book 1: Zipper trilogy Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat