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Zipper could not believe his eyes. This colony was huge just like the city above him. From merchants to homes. “This is amazing!” Zipper said excitedly. An strange creature walked up to them he was grey a little bit shorter then he was. As he came closer he recognized the squirrel. “Princess zira you have finally returned your father had sent me to search for you.” The grey squirrel spoke. “Oh um.” Zira looked at the ground. “Princess?” This place has an anarchy now? “Oh yeah the king is my father here.” Zira cooed. “Oh by the way this is weevil zipper.” She pointed her nose to the squirrel who lifted his chin. “I’m the royal message r not the royal princess finder now come along.” Weevil turned around and walked towards the so called palace. Zira and zipper followed the squirrel.


As they walked through the market place many opossums selling various thing either they have created or was already made. One for example an oppossum was yelling constantly “come right up we got our tire supreme fresh out the oven!” Or “come get crumbled paper soup while it’s fresh!” None of which both didn’t sound satisfying. The finally arrived to two huge golden doors that did not look like opossums built it. Weevil presses on the button that made a buzz which made zipper flinch. “Password?” A noise crackled out from inside the button. “Oh come on butch let me in it’s me weevil.” “I’m not letting you in until you identify yourself now tell me the password.” Butch demanded. “Ugh..lettuce.” Weevil rolled his eyes as the gates began to open to a room full of light.


The trio walked into the palace slowly. Zipper looked around in amazement.” Did you guys create this too?” Zipper whispered to Zira. “Mhm not really but years ago a strange raccoon named zorilla was said to make this place for an opossum who helped save him.” Zira replied fascinated by herself. “Incredible!” Zipper yelled out loud. “Shhhh.” Weevil turned to put up his finger to shush him. A pure white opposum came running towards the trio.


She stopped in front of them with a bright smile and pride shining in eyes. Zipper just couldn’t stop staring he had a warm feeling inside that made him feel like his heart was about to burst. “Hello winter need anything?” Weevil asked. “I just want to help you escort these two to the throne room.” She spoke delicately. Her fur looked incredibly soft. “Eh no thanks you probably have a lot assigned by the king already.” Weevil ignored her plead and walked on without noticing zipper and Zira not with him. “Of course you can winter Weevil is just a big baby.” She laughed to herself. Zipper also chuckled a little. Winter giggled then signaled them to follow her to the heart of the king.


They had arrived at a extremely large golden door with many types of patterns. It looked absolutely stunning to zipper and he wondered when was going to see the king. “Alright you ready zip!” Zira shouted with excitement. Zipper flinched when she had given him the nickname zip. He thought it was actually kinda cute. The doors have opened and there he was the king sitting upon his throne looking absolutely bored. “Is that my little Zira.” He said with a slow outstandingly strange accent that zipper couldn’t identify. “Oh yes father I have come with a friend.” Zira and winter moved out the way so the royal leader could see zipper. He observed zipper then chuckled. “What a strange fellow what species is that.” “You idiot it’s a opossum too!” Zira rolled her eyes annoyed. “Ah I’m just joking around.” The king winked. “What is it’s name.” “I’m zipper.” He answered.


“Zipper what a strange name but hey they call me brick so I don’t blame ya.” The king laughed. “But really I’m brisk king brisk no need to bow.” He signaled zipper to come closer and he followed the command. “Isn’t there a queen.” Zipper searched for the wife of the king but there was none anywhere. “Ah yes she’s in the bedroom having her beauty sleep.” He pointed to a room with no door and purple drapes. “I heard that!” A sound hissed out from the long curtains. “My momma is as dumb as my father but they rule this kingdom well.” Zira whispered. “Didn’t I send Weevil to find you where is the little brat.” Brisk yowled. “He said he was coming to you.” Winter finally spoke after being silent for awhile. “Oh yeah he did say he was coming but I decided to keep him.” A mysterious voice escaped the door as a creature more sinister padded towards them.


“Galora I should of known it was you.” Brisk growled. Galora was a huge creature with a slender body and a pointed nose. Her fur was all white and her neck had a pink collar with diamonds encrusted into it and a small bell that jingled when she moved. And there Weevil was grasped inside Galora’s paws. “You should of more like you have already know it was me.” Galora fiddled around with Weevil’s ear tuffs. “Put him down galora!” Zira hissed. “Nah i think I might keep him he’s kinda cute ya know.” Galora laughed. Zira hissed once more stepping back to grab her sword that layed on the ground. “Too bad prince polar isn’t here he would of immediately come at me after killing seaport.” Galora circled around winter next. She finally noticed zipper and glared her eyes. “What do we have here?” Galora snickered.

Zorilla book 1: Zipper trilogy Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя