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"Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone"

"Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone"

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The sun rose above the LA skyline. You may be wondering what happened. Well, after a night of a lot of love affairs from Nikki and Cherry

They ended up laying down in bed enveloped in each other's arms.



Cherry woke to the sound of one big and one small idiot jumping around the living room like a pack of wild monkeys

She groaned while sitting up and sliding off the end of the bed

She opened up the door to see Tommy on the floor rolling around in laughter

"Are you guys always this fucking loud"

The two guys looked at me and just started to laugh even louder

Tommy spoke with bits of laughter in between "You...were this......loud last.......night"

Her eyes widened

"I'm not that loud" She pouted and stomped her foot like a child


Nikki emerges from his bedroom door

"What are you two dumbasses screaming about" His deep morning voice spoke

"Oh nothing...." Tommy sarcastically said

Cherry rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. Throwing open the old fridge, she grabbed herself a beer.

"Isn't it a little to early to be drinking baby"

"Where is Nikki and what did you do with him..."Cherry said before walking away "'s also 5 o'clock"

Cherry would have to be at work in an hour

"Mick, have you seen my bag" She spoke while opening the door to the small bedroom

There her dad laid with his arms crossed like he was in a coffin

"it's right there" he murmured pointing to the night stand next to him

She walked over and picked it up

"I'm heading to work I'll see you later tonight" she whispered giving her dad a kiss on the forehead

Cherry shut the door quietly and headed to the loud living room

The rowdy boys stopped talking and looked at the tiny girl

"I'm going to work...." She grabbed her high heels off the dirty carpet "....I might see you guys later"

"BYE" They all yelled as Cherry climbed out the window

Nikki quickly jumped out and grabbed her waist "your gonna leave me without a kiss"

"Damn almost got away" She laughed while grabbing his face and giving him a passionate kiss

She waved him goodbye as she started down the bumpy sidewalk that the city never seemed to fix and headed straight to the seventh veil

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