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Suddenly Russia got really red and let go of me. "RUSSIA DID IT-" America and Germany yelled, pointing at Rus.

I suddenly got really embarrassed, I know I talk up a storm, but at the end of the day, I'm actually a shy baby bitch. I put my face in my hands.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want Meri to do it, he probably would've done... something," Russia covered his eyes. Then America's nose started to bleed. "aY, I'm not like Third Reich!" America cried.

Germany face-palmed. "You guys are so hopeless."

Meri and Russia started arguing over me and while that happened I just snuck away and quietly ran upstairs, I didn't like the attention. As I walked on the second floor, I started noticing stuff I didn't before. Like, there were two other doors, one with the German flag and one with the Russian flag, probably Russia's and Germany's rooms.

I walked in Germany's room just to look around. It had a computer with what looked like an infinite amount of paperwork. Ah, so that's what Ame meant when he said Germs was a workaholic. It seemed like there was less German flags in his room than Ame had. It appears that Germs is less patriotic. Huh, wonder why. (I'M SO SORRY-) I walked out of his room and walked into Russia's room. When I opened his door, the stench of vodka escaped. Woow, refreshing. Inside there was his bed of course, a USSR flag, a Russian flag, a desk, and a whole bunch of empty vodka bottles. Damn. I walked out of Russia's room and I still heard them arguing downstairs, kinda pathetic to be honest- I waddled into Meri's room. Of course I already know what's in here, his bed, American flags everywhere, a desk, a photograph of me sleeping- wait what- Anyways, I just slid underneath the covers and tried to go back to my normal life. I shut my eyes tight and pinched myself, yup, not a dream.

I went to Germany's room since he's the most sane one I guess. I slid into his neatly made bed and tried to go to sleep.

Germany's POV

America and Russia were still arguing, ugh, they're hopeless. Wait, where's (Y/N)? Oh frick. (I headcanon him as an innocent boio that hates cursing) I have to find her quickly or else Rus and Meri will kill me since 'I was the one who was supposed to look after her'.

"I-I'm going upstairs," I said, making and awkward silence until they started arguing again.

I walked upstairs nervously, I first went into Meri's room to check first, since that's where she was put first. No sign of her, not even in the bed. Next I checked Rus's room, no sign either. She couldn't be in my room, could she?

I opened my door and noticed a lump outlining a person in my bed, ah, of course she'd be sleeping, who wouldn't want to escape a nightmare like this. (oh edgy) I close my door to block the noise from the arguing pair. I lifted the blankets a bit and gave her a stuffed bunny that Father gave me when I was little. Her face looked so peaceful while she was sleeping. I fixed the blanket on her and went back to filling out paperwork.

America's POV

As I was arguing with this gremlin, I noticed something. "Hey shut up for a moment," I made the 'shush' finger symbol thing. "Hey-"

"Did I stutter?" he looked really offended. (h ah a re fer en c es) "Where's (Y/N)..?"

"Cука блять."

We ran upstairs and checked every room. "Ey Germs!" I yelled through the door.

"What? I have to be quiet," he whisper-yelled through the door.

"Is (Y/N) in there?" There was a silence for about 5 slow seconds.


"Well we can't find her, so help us."

"Ohh noo, sorry but I can't, I'm working ;(" he said kind of sarcastically.

"I thought you liked her," I ask suspiciously.


"You're acting way too suspiciously, I'm coming in-"

"No-!" he yelled, but I already opened the door.






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| sôrrÿ hūmäñś |

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