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After finishing the conversation with Harla Happy decided to go home. The whole way home and all night the blonde haired stripper clouded his thoughts and even his dreams. He couldn't get over her beauty and how much he could tell she was like him in just the few moments they spoke. He couldn't wait to see her Friday.
The morning he woke up he dragged ass all morning at TM. As he took a break to eat he grabbed a bear and took out his phone and texted her
"Hey doll, how you doing?"
"Good Killa how about you ;)" she responded quickly. He broke a smile and Tig just happened to noticed
"HOLY HELL HAPPY JUST SMILED!!" He jumped off the couch and screamed through the club house. Immediately many heads snapped towards Happys direction.
"It's that stripper isn't it?" Jax had a grin plastered all over his face.
"Shut up" He glared at Jax and all the men laughed
"A stripper. Made you smile." Bobby said not believing it.
"What's her name?" Chibs asked with a thick accent.
"Harla" He mumbled knowing the wrath of his brothers was about to rain down on him because he was falling in love with her
"We have to meet her" they all agreed and happy was shocked that none of them teased him.
"She'll be at the party Friday." He spoke in a calm tone but his voice still deep and raspy.
All the men hooped and hollered and then Tig finally said it.
"May have to hit it first happy" and something in happy ignited and he knew it was jealousy but he definitely didn't want to make a scene in front of his brothers.
"Touch her I'll kill you Tigger" he pointed a finger at the man with his death glare and rigs eyes went wide then he began to laugh.
"I'm playing man she's all yours" he cackled a little more before the men went on their way and happy went back to work. She was currently sitting in her shared apartment counting the cash she had made within the last two days. About $10,000 she had scraped in.
"This should be enough for a down payment on a house." She said to herself as she gathered her things and got in her car to drive around and look for houses. She lived right outside of charming her whole life and she was completely done with it. She wanted to live inside charming so as she made her way through the small little town she noticed Teller-Morrow automotive. Then she noticed the big reaper. Then she noticed Jax in the parking lot. "I'll be damned" she said to her self quickly whipping in the lot. She jumped out of her car and walked towards Jax.
"Well well well look who it is" she grinned at him as he snapped around and noticed that this was the woman Happy was falling for.
"What in gods name are you doing here Quinn?" He asked
"It's Harla" she corrected
"And i was strolling through town looking to buy a house and I saw that reaper and then you. Figured Killa would be here." She smiled
Just then a dark haired woman had emerged from what looked to be an office with a small child in her arms and she put her arm around Jax.
"And who are you?" She asked with venom dropping from her words.
"Harla. I'm Harla." She stated point blank as she glared at the woman
"Car troubles?" Tara asked obviously faking her concern
"No I'm here to see someone" Harla snapped
"And who may that be?" Tara questioned the woman and Jax could see that Harla wasn't going to take it. He was going to let her get an attitude with Tara because this was simply a situation her nose did not belong.
"What would you do if I said I was here to see pretty boy?" Harla knew this statement was going to get her twisted
"Well you see we met at-" before she could finish her sentence to the fuming Tara happy had called her name through the lot.
"Hey Killa" she smiled before she dropped all attention front ara and Jax to the bald man. Her legs took long strides to the man before she turned her head.
"I'm here for him. Keep your nose out of my business or next time it will be your man im here to see. He'll be putting you in a casket." She snapped and happy noticed that evil ignite in her eyes once more. Tara's eyes went wide as did Jackson's.
"I like her" the eves dropping Gemma said to Juice.

"What are you doing here?" Happy asked her wrapping his arms around he waist and resting them on her butt.
"Strolling through trying to find a place of my own and saw that reaper was the same one on your patch last night. Then I saw big head Jax in the parking lot." She laughed
"I heard that!" Jax called from a distant
"Good!" She retorted across the parking lot.
Gemma and juice we're watching through the blinds of the office. Watching happy interact with the woman. She sat on a stool and watch happy work on a bike as they talked and laughed.
"I have never seen happy laugh. Like ever." Juice said with his jaw hung low.
"She's crazy. I can tell." Gemma pursed her lips. She soon walked out of the office towards the two.
"Hey honey never seen you around before." Gemma spoke with a questioning tone
"I'm here for Killa" she smiled genuinely then looked Gemma up and down. She paused then spoke up again
"Nice rack" She said
Gemma smiled at her as happys eyes went wide at her boldness
"Same to you" Gemma said lighting up a cigarette
"I see you've met my son. I saw you talking to him and Tara." Gemma said inhaling her smoke
"Tara. That's her name. I don't like her. She's rude." Harla scrunched her nose
"Come with me darling" Gemma smiled and happy was at a loss for words at how quickly the women were bonding. Gemma hated other women being around the club.
Harla got up and walked with Gemma into the clubhouse. Harla sat down on a stool and juice asked her if she wanted a drink.
"Whiskey folk I'll talk whiskey." She flashed him a quick smile before turning to Gemma
"So" Harla said looking around the clubhouse
"I'm gonna be straight with you. I saw Happy smile and laugh with you. I've never even seen that man blink. Never in my life. He sees something in you." Gemma said striking up another cigarette. Harla thought to herself for a quick moment.
"I see something in him too. I hope this can go somewhere." Harla pursed her lips. Then she noticed Gemma peaking out of the blinds and a scowl form on her face.
"Something wrong?" Harla frowned
"That girl right there. That's my son Jax's ex wife. The junkie bitch that almost killed his first born son" Gemma let the disgust show in her tone
"I'll handle it." Harla said before stepping out of the door. Walking out into the parking lot she saw Tara and the junkie getting into a heated conversation.
"She giving you a hard time doll?" Harla said as Tara snapped her head around.
"Yes." Tara snapped looking back at Wendy.
"This is none of your business" Wendy cocked at Harla
"It's every bit of my business when a junkie is getting an attitude with a mother while she's holding her son" Harla spat. Tara's eyes went wide. Tara didn't understand why this woman was taking up for her
"I'm not a junkie anymore" Wendy said
"Once a junkie always a junkie." Harla glared at her
"Get out Wendy" Tara said stepping up beside Harla
"I won't leave till I see my son!" Wendy stomped her foot and Harla began to get mad. Just then happy and Jax stepped out of the garage and watched the scene unfold.
"You're going to leave or I'm gonna kick you in the twat so hard that kid freaking feels it! Now leave!" Harla roared as Tara's jaw dropped along with Jax's as Happy snickered
"This isn't over." Wendy said before storming away
"Yes it is!" Tara seethed back
Wendy got in her got in her car slammed the door and sped out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.
Jax walked up to the the two women along side happy.
"You didn't have to do that" Tara turned to her
"Gem told me she almost killed the boy. That's all I needed to know. No one needs to start anything with you especially if your holding a damn baby" Harla looked at her point blank and Tara new there was no arguing.
"Thank you so much" Tara said then gave her a quick hug which caught them all by surprise.
"If you need any help with her let me know." Harla winked at Jax then walked to happy and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Junkies.." she sighed

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