"Let's go before I change my mind," Frost says making the ice bridge. Who says she isn't Elsa?


We walk into Zoom's layer carefully as I whisper, "Barry? Barry?"

I smile sadly when I see him. "Liv?" He asks, getting up. I come closer to him towards the glass as he does too.

"Dude, we made it," Cisco says.

"Woah," I say, looking at the woman next to Barry. She gets up and comes closer to the glass as I move to see her, clearly.

"You're- You're my-"

"Doppelgänger," We both say together, smirking at each other.


"How did you find this place?" Barry asks.

"Had some help," I say, motioning to everyone else.

"Don't even get me started on this guy," Cisco says as Barry-2 gives a cheeky smile. Which, I have to admit, looked kinda cute. "Oh boy."

Harry pushes out of our way and then goes to unlock her daughter out. They smile and hug as I smile at their reunion.

"Hey," I hear Barry whisper as I look at him. He gives me a look as if to ask if I was okay. I nod, with a sad smile.

"Frost?" Harry asks, when he can't open the lock.

"A little help?" Cisco asks.

"Not part of the deal."

"Frost!" Harry yells.

"Hey, hey, hey. Bringing us up here wasn't part of the deal, either, but here you are. Something tells me you're not as cold as I thought you were," Cisco says.

"Maybe, maybe not," She says as she freezes and breaks the chain. She then tries to freeze the glass but it doesn't work.

"W- What's going on? Why... why isn't it working?" I ask.

"I don't know. I've never had this problem before," Frost says.

"Dr. Wells..." Barry says.

"Carbyne. It's some form of carbyne. This cell's made out of some form of carbyne. You'll never be able to freeze him out of there," Harry says.

"You can't phase out of there?" Cisco asks as he shakes his head.

"Just go, all right? Before Zoom comes back," Barry says.

"We're not leaving you here," I say.

"I can't get out of this cell. I've tried a lot. I'm not fast enough to phase through this. You got... just leave, all right?" He asks. "Just leave."

"Barry..." I say, pulling my hand up, pressing it against the glass. He brings his hand to mine, it resting on the glass across from where mine is.

"I love you," He whispers. I watch as a crackle of lightning flickers through his eyes and embers of fire crackle at the tips of my finger. I slightly jump in my place when I feel a bolt of lightning hit my hands. We both pull away from the glass abruptly, both hit by a flash of each other's powers.

"What the...?" Cisco says and we look at the glass. A crack has formed at the spot our hands were, a small flame at the center of the crack, electricity branching out to the crevices.

"Of course. Liv, Barry, your powers combine to make plasma. You can give the glass a plasma blast and it'll shatter," Harry says quickly. "Come on, you have to hurry."

Me and Barry hesitantly go up to the glass, placing both hands on the glass, against each other's. We closed our eyes, reaching deep within our powers, willing them to intertwine. Feeling our powers start to work, we open our eyes to watch as the electricity travels throughout the glass. We also watch the flames branch off into multiple paths, not touching the electricity but getting closer to it. When they touched, we watched the glass in front of us shatter and our hands fall against one another, our fingers intertwining. We looked at each other and smiled.

"That was awesome!" Cisco commented. I looked at the glass pieces on the floor the see them doing the same thing as the crack had done. Interrupting my thought, Barry's arms wrapped around me as he hugged me. I hugged back before pulling away and looking at my doppelgänger.

"Thank you," She smiles as we nod.

He kisses me and I accept it but quickly pull away and say, "We have to go."

"Okay, let's go," Cisco says as we start moving. "Go, come on

"Wait, wait! Hey, hey, hey! We're not leaving him," Barry says to is, pointing at the man with the metal mask on.

"Barry, there's no time."

Suddenly Zoom appears in front of us. "He's not going anywhere, and neither are any of you."


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I've got 9 minutes till the new decade so... Happy New Year y'all! Double post for the new decade!

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