He looked up at Shuichi then looked back down. "...Sorry. I shouldn't talk like that."

"No it's alright... I never thought of it that way. You seem to know a lot about a lot of things. ...I'm just curious but...Because you were in that place, did you go to school? You would be in your last year of highschool now... or, graduated since it's summer." He saw Ouma's shoulders drop. "Yeah... I would be. But I was forced to drop out middle of my tenth year in school. This is a full time job y'know. Believe it or not, but I actually would do ten more years of school than do this. It's not like I need school anyway. I'm street smart. That's all I need."

Shuichi couldn't help but feel pity for him. "...I'm.. sorry about that Ouma-kun. I wish you could leave when you wanted to." Ouma poured the mix into the cooker and closed the top. He only laughed. "Don't worry about my life problems Saihara-chan! I wanna enjoy this little taste of freedom while I still have it!"

A couple minutes later, Ouma pushed a plate full of food to Shuichi. With Syrup, whipped cream, and blueberries on top. "Wow Ouma..." He took his fork and knife and cut himself a slice. He chewed it slowly to savor the flavor that exploded into his mouth. "This is... really good. Again, another thing you're amazing at."

Ouma smiled. That smile was getting cuter every hour. Maybe he was doing that on purpose. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" He question, Ouma bit his lip, still smiling. "I'm not that hungry! Just enjoy that, it's for you so it better disappear."

Shuichi chuckled as he had another forkful. He stopped, because he felt a little rude eating when the other wasn't. "Sit next to me." He offered as he patted the seat next to him. Ouma climbed up to sit in the seat. Since these were more like chairs you'd see at a bar, and Ouma was quite short. Shuichi smiled as he took a mouth worth of waffle and offered it to Ouma.

"But I made it for you!" He turned his head to reject the forkful. "Please? I feel bad having to eat and leaving you with nothing." At that, Ouma pouted. "...fine. If you want." He opened his mouth and let Shuichi place the savory food inside. "Mmm, I never fail to please myself." He giggled.

Just as they finished eating breakfast, Shuichi noticed a bracelet on Ouma's wrist. It's been on since he first saw him. "Hey Ouma, what's that?" Shuichi pointed to the bracelet. "Oh this? Total fashion statement. With it's nice black and slightly glowing red strip in the middle- what do you think it is? A tracking device. Duh."

Shuichi almost dropped the plate in his hands as he brought it over to the sink. "A tracking device...? That seems a bit..." Ouma shook his head. "No, there are tons of people who try to run. When they don't return, we get tracked down and receive a punishment. One time I tried and they locked me up for a day in solitude. I hate that place."

Before Shuichi could say anything else, Ouma changed subjects. "Anywho! How many friends did you tell about me? Do they get excited about it, or disgusted?"

Shuichi smiled feebly. "...I didn't tell anyone. And I do have friends, I just wanted this to be between you and me."  Ouma laughed. "Nice save. I totally didn't think you were a lonely sucka'."

The doorbell rang and the door flew opened without him answering. "Speaking of friends..." Shuichi muttered.

"SHUICHI?! Where ya at? Me and Kaede are going shopping! We need your gay ass there!"

Shuichi saw Ouma pale. "Ouma?" The purple hair boy looked like he had just seen a ghost. "Saihara... You are in the wrong friend group." He muttered and was slowly backing away from where the voice came from.

The girls turned the corner and spotted both of them. "There you are Suckhara!-" Before Miu could continue, her eyes locked on the shorter male. 

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