New Pokemon

32 2 14

You all kept pottering around a certain area, apparently where fire types usually where

Squidy: this is getting boring 

Shadow: cause your impatient?

Squidy groaned, shadow rolled his eyes and kept walking around. You eventually came across and growthlie 

You sent out frokie

Frokie used watergun,super effective,-23Hp

Growthlie used tackle,-14Hp

Frokie used tackle,-16Hp

Growthlie used incinerate, not very effective,-13Hp

You threw a poke ball



Growthlie broke free

Growthlie used incinerate, not very effective, -13Hp

Frokie used tackle,-15Hp

You threw another poke ball




Growthlie was caught 

Shadow pulled out a potion and healed frokie slightly

Shadow: there, just incase we run into another fire type

Frokie jumped into you shoulder, shadow looked around

Squidy: we should head back shouldn't we

You nodded in agreement, you all went back and healed your Pokemon at the poke centre 


~~There, Oh something quick to say, every 20 chapters I'm allowing you to put on your own senerious (can't spell it)

~~every senerio will be put into this but you can only put on comment on this


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