Another pokemon

32 3 3

You, lucas, squidy and shadow went back to the forest, lucas's pichu was sat on his head creating a indent on his hat

Lucas: so what pokemon type are you guys looking for?

You: water, need something thats strong against rock types

Lucas: I know where to find some, Follow me guys

Lucas sprinted off, you followed, shadow and squidy stayed behind to do some training and level there pokemon up. Lucas was waiting at a pond, there where a couple water types around

Lucas: theres not many but this should help out, right?

You nodded

You: Thanks lucas

Lucas nodded and ran back, squidy showed up. She spotted a Azurill.

Squidy sent out scree

Scree used bug bite, -5 Hp

Azurill used bubblebeam , 3Hp

Scree used posion sting, -5Hp

Azurill was posioned

Azurill used bubblebeam, -7Hp, critical hit

Azurill got hurt by posion

Squidy threw a pokeball




Azurill was caught

Squidy tucked the pokeball into her pocket, sree was running circles around her

Squidy: thats my second pokemon

You: what level is scree now?

Squidy: 17, why?

You: wont scree evolve soon?

Squidy: oh, yep scree will, only 3 levels to go now

You sighed, squidy picked scree up

You walked around for a while, eventually encountering a spheal

You sent out frokie

Frokie used tackle, - 6Hp

Spheal used bubblebeam, -3Hp

Frokie used tackle, - 5Hp

Spheal used bubblebeam,-4Hp

Frokie used tackle, - 5Hp

You threw a pokeball




Spheal was caught

--Imma write up more than one chapter today, left it to long without one

--No choices for a couple chapters, when i say that i mean two or three

--I broke my keyboard writing this, i fixed ot now though, anyway bai

A splatventureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon