Chapter 15: Holidays and Wand Woods

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 Sometime around Christmas, on the way to our classes, we all looked out of the windows to find it had snowed overnight. Becky was excited to go outside and play in the snow, and I was just relieved enough that I would get to go home for the holidays with some time away from dad... not that I would relay that hope to him.

Mom was finally able to send me a letter, explaining that she expected me to be home for the holidays so I could get to know my family members. There was also a warning in it about how cold it got everywhere at Hogwarts, which I had already seen when walking through the hallways. So she gave the instructions for a warmth spell to keep me warm, and I shared it with all the Slytherins. Since our living quarters were in the dungeons, we did have the worst luck with cold. Our rooms being under water, the windows were frozen right along with the lake.

It was during Potions class that I could tell it was extremely cold based on how the Gryffindors huddled close to their cauldrons, and by the way our breaths came out in mists.

Draco had set out to make as much fun of Harry as possible. It first started out with how a tree frog would be seeker next, since at the end of the last game he accidentally swallowed the Golden Snitch. But, then he moved on to taunting Harry about not having a proper family.

He'd said, "I do feel sorry for all those people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."

I felt sorry, too, but only because if I had no proper family to go to, I'd have to stay at the school and have nights with dad. The thought scared me now. I almost had just enough of talking to him and knowing he could find out how to get to the Sorcerer's Stone at any time, with me possibly being caught and charged with accessory to theft. Accessory to murder if he gets Harry Potter's life.

As we left Potions class, a large fir tree blocked the way through the corridor. Harry and Ron were beside it; and Draco, Vincent, and Greg were already ahead, talking to them. Becky and I went to stand somewhere beside them, Hermione stood behind us, watching the conversation tentatively.

The most we'd heard was Draco asking "Are you trying to earn some extra money, Weasley? Hoping to be gamekeeper yourself when you leave Hogwarts, I suppose – that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a palace compared to what your family's used to."

I honestly hadn't expected Draco to say something like that. But, Ron's reaction was expected as he launched himself right at Draco.

In a sad twist of events, Professor Snape turned up to see Ron holding onto the front of Draco's robes. "Weasley!" he spat, causing Ron to quickly step away from Draco.

Hagrid jumped to Ron's defense, despite looking as though he wished to go away as quickly as possible so he could put the tree down. "He was provoked, Professor Snape, Malfoy was insultin' his family."

"Be that as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid. Five points from Gryffindor, Weasley, and be grateful it isn't more. Move along, all of you." Professor Snape said, lastly glancing at me as Draco, Vincent, and Greg scuttled away.

I raised my eyebrow at him, because it was as though he'd thought I was behind the start of the fight. He only scoffed and waltzed back to his office.

Becky and I started to walk on by the tree when out of the corner of my eye I saw Hagrid suddenly notice me, a small note of confusion in his eyes. I somehow looked familiar... and I didn't feel it was at all in a good way.

"I'll see you later for packing. I need to talk with Professor Snape." I whispered to Becky, running off after him.

I caught up to him just before he closed his office door, slipping inside just as he did so.

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