Chapter 12: Flight and Midnight Surprise

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 We had a great few more weeks at Hogwarts, and I actually didn't realize I would like it as much as I did. In fact, I didn't like it... I loved it. Writing to my mom about it made everything so much better, too, because her excited replies always made me feel better even if it wasn't an in-person conversation like I was used to when it came to her.

After the letter I had written to her, saying sorry to grandpa that I was actually placed in Slytherin, she said it was fine. Though he wasn't very happy about it, he supported me, they both supported me. Telling me to do well in my classes, asking what I earned House points doing, saying to keep doing as I was doing in not losing House points. I was bright as a Ravenclaw anyways according to grandpa.

As for my friends, all of them were awesome. Becky, Addy and I hung out with for most of the time since Draco, Vincent, and Greg usually went and tortured people. I didn't like that they did it, but nothing I said actually stopped them, they just told me to stop worrying. I supposed I should stop. I guess it's fine for other Houses to tease each other in that way as rivals.. I don't even know what they do.

Becky certainly likes to annoy Draco, and of course Vincent and Greg are very unhelpful about it, just listening to her taunt him. Draco always looks to me for help, which is when I usually step in and ask her to stop, and then all but Becky looks grateful.

The one time Addy wasn't with us, Becky and I sat in our common room finishing up our transfiguration homework together. Draco, Vincent, and Greg came in and walked over to us.

"Did you see what's been pinned up on the notice board?" Draco asked, sitting down on the couch across from us.

"No, what is it?" I asked distractedly, finishing up one last sentence...

"We start flying lessons with the Gryffindors on Thursday!" he said, sounding fairly excited for some reason.

"Really?" I asked, looking up at him, my sentence long forgotten. So far, the only class we had with the Gryffindors was Potions, but now having flying lessons with them already seemed a little much. Especially knowing how unfair Professor Snape was to the Gryffindors, how would the teacher for flying be with them? It will be extremely different.

"Yeah, and, you know, I'm really good, so I'll make the Gryffindors look like fools. Especially the worst ones of them all, Potter and Weasley." Draco said, speaking Harry and (a name I remembered hearing from the Sorting Ceremony since he was obviously related to the infamous twin brothers) Ron's names like he'd sniffed something awful.

"How long have you been flying?" Becky asked him, having not even looked up.

"For years, I didn't count." Draco told her.

"You should've, because you obviously haven't been flying since you were a baby. The way you say it makes it sound as though you've been flying longer than any person on famous Quidditch teams, which everyone knows is not true." Becky said.

"I'm not saying that at all!" Draco said, looking very distraught.

I was surprised by Becky's wording as well. "I didn't even think of that, Becky. Do you often exaggerate like that?"

She looked up at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I just overthink things I suppose."

"Yeah you do! Apologize to me." Draco said.

She looked at him in shock, and then laughed out loud. "Do you really think I'm going to do that?"

"It was worth the shot." he mumbled.

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