Getting over a (slightly) irrational fear

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Well, idk if I've ever said this to you guys, but as a kid, N scared me so much for these 2 reasons: 1- it made me nervous whenever he mentioned that he could hear the Pokémon's inner voices, and 2- the song that plays in his bedroom-

So I was I was like 9 or 10, exploring n's castle and stumbled across his room, heard the song, and started freaking out. Never had I ever heard such a creepy song. It was spooky enough to make me scared of the character. Just for a song. Sometimes I just randomly think of the song. I guess it's like if you saw a car accident- you want to look away but you can't. I guess the same applies here- it made me nervous to hear the song, but I would still go to n's castle and go in his room. Idk. I understood he was a well-thought-out character, but I just couldn't get over these things...

So I have Pokémon TV on my ipad and there's a little feature thing featuring some episodes with Charizard or Reshiram, to promote something for the TCG. And when there's Reshiram, there's always N. Kinda like how when there's Cartoon Network, there's always Teen Titans Go. So my solution: watch every single episode with Reshiram in the little feature thing (which was only like 3 episodes). I tend to want to squeeze things when I get nervous, so I squeezed on a blanket whenever I got nervous. Sometimes it felt like I was a cat sinking my claws into a pillow or something. But I guess it kinda worked? Towards the beginning of my mini binge session, I was grabbing at the blanket a lot, but the more I watched, the less I grabbed at it.

Of course, a better way to alleviate this fear is to, I don't know, replay the gen 5 games? But guess who doesn't have any of the gen 5 games (except for one whose file is way too old and precious to ever reset), and guess doesn't have the money to buy them either. Oh, and ROMs won't work either, since they run way too slow on computer emulators, and the emulator for my ipad will just stop working for no reason after like a week after downloading the emulator.

If I'm being honest, I don't think I can fully get over this without replaying the gen 5 games, which as I just mentioned, that won't be happening any time soon. I've done what I can.

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