"How is that possible? That trunk was found in the cave that the scientist died in! That was ages before I was born!"

"Well, the scientist died ages ago. The trunk was discovered February 15th, 1995. A day after you were found by us." Robin explained. Harry's eyebrows furrowed.

"What? You didn't say that?"

"I didn't want to tell you right away because I didn't want you to get your hopes up if we couldn't open it."

Harry laid a hand on the necklace. He honestly didn't know how to feel. If he should be relieved, sad, happy? It was all confusing. He finally snapped out when he heard Louis' voice.

"Harry I know it's your lunch break but I need you to come in immediately."

Harry push the button on his earpiece, he forgot he had in. "Uh, yeah I'll be there in 10." He says.

"I have to go." He says grabbing his wallet, phone and ring. He gets in his car, and starts to drive away. His mind was racing, he was thinking about the man appeared in front of him. Was that really his father? Was what he's saying true? His mind was wracking with questions he didn't know how to answer. He didn't even notice his eyes welling up in tears. When he arrived at the parking lot he wiped his face with his hands, and got out of the car. He made his way up to the last floor, waiting for the elevator doors to slide open. Once on the last floor, he walked to his desk, grabbing his notepad and opened the door to talk to Louis.

"I'm here."

"I see that." Louis says taking his eyes off the computer to look at him. He tilts his head then raises and eyebrow. "Were you crying?"

"Uh, no." Harry looked away, cursing himself for the red rim around his eyes that always showed when he cried. "What was it that you need me here for?"

"Right. I need you to review these please. Now, before I send them."

Harry walked over to Louis, and grabbed the papers from him. He read through the documents. His eyes widen once he realized what they were. He turned his head to Louis, who was sitting there patiently waiting for Harry to finish.

"You're taking Full custody of Freddie?" He asked.


Harry's emotion automatically changed, and he smiled. He was so happy for Louis and Freddie. "This is amazing! I'm sure Freddie is going to be absolutely happy!"

Louis tried his best not to smile, but he couldn't help himself. The look on Harry's face was just a nice feeling for him. Harry finished reading the document, and stood up.

"This is great." He places it on the desk.

"Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Louis shook his head, and watched Harry walk away. He grazed his thumb on his bottom lip, concentrated on the way Harry's jeans were so tight, you could see his feminine curves. As they disappeared out of the office. Louis snapped back from his trance, then went back to reviewing the Red Rose stories.

Lately, Red Rose was busy the city, nothing major has been happening. But she would fly about, catching thieves, muggers, domestic abusers, anything that was small but still absolutely important. Louis was happy about this, he basically owned her. If it wasn't for Louis Red Rose would have been feared by the public. Louis made her a kind image. She was mysterious, nice, strong, and absolutely hot. Something in Louis was telling him that she was very special.

Harry and Louis were in the middle of a meeting, they were discussing about Red Rose. which in no doubt made Harry quite uncomfortable. There were five men sitting on black, vintage chairs. 4 woman, and Harry sat in the far back writing notes. They talked about the safety of the city. Three of them were not liking the idea of Red Rose, the other two plus Louis, loved the idea of having a superhero in town.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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