The Stone

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Harry walked into work feeling a little under the weather, that's been happening lately. He doesn't know why which is kind of weird seeing as if he doesn't get sick. He sat down on his desk and logged into his account starting of his daily work. 

"Hey Harry how are you today." 

"I'm alright, just been having a lot of headaches lately."

"I see. Maybe you should see the doctor."

"Yeah, I already got an appointment."

Niall nodded then looked around him.

"I need to show you something." He whispered. 

Harry looked at him. "Niall I'm sorry but I am kind of busy, especially since Louis isn't here for the weekend. I can't be bothered by your nerd stuff."

"Says the one who looks like a nerd." Niall said referring to his glasses. Harry gave him a glare. "Okay. Sorry but this is important. 

Harry sighed and got up from his desk following Niall. 

"Okay so last night I went hiking with a friend and I found this really cool thing right. And I thought it was some piece of a computer but when I took it home. I realized it was a much larger piece of technology. " Niall whispered digging into his backpack.

"What are you on about."

"And it's weird because it looks broken, but it sometimes glows." He took the piece out and showed him, a blue crystallized metal. In seconds, Harry felt a ringing in his ears which made him scream in pain. Niall quickly put a cloth over it and put it back in his backpack. 

"Harry are you okay!" 

People came over to look, but Niall reassured them everything was fine. Harry took in a deep breath and nodded. 

"Yes, I'm fine... Uh.. I just, I've had headaches all morning I think I'm starting to get really intense migraines." He explained. 

"Oh, okay do you want me to get you water."

"Yes please." 

Harry got up and went to his desk. Niall came back with a glass of water. 

"Say uh, Niall. Is it okay if you come over after work? I don't like being alone when I'm sick."

"Sure that's fine." 


"Gemma? Hey uhm so Im home but I need you to come and pick me up."


"Just please. We need to go to mom and dads place."

"Why don't you just fly there."

"Because my friend Niall is going to come with me. Actually he's going to be here in like 20 so hurry up."

"Okay I'll be there in like 15."

Harry sighed and hung up. He went to take a shower then got changed. He couldn't stop  thinking about the piece of metal that Niall found. Where did that come from, and why was it hurting him? So many things started racing through his head. What if it was made to hurt him? Or what if that piece was from the place he is from? 

He started getting nervous. That could explain why he's been feeling sick lately. But Niall said he barely found it last night. 

Then what else could explain him feeling sick.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, he looked through the door to see his sister and Niall standing, talking to each other. He quickly put on his glasses and put his hair up. He slid his ringer on then open the door.

"hey there." Harry said.

"Harry why didn't you say you had a beautiful sister."

"She's lesbian." Harry said. "Okay we are going to our parents. Lets go."

Harry grabbed them both a lead them to Gemma's car. The ride was silent except for the music playing in the radio. After a while, Niall spoke.

"Harry why am I coming?"

"Don't you wanna meet my family? Your technically my best friend."

"Okay." Niall said looking at his phone. Gemma gave Harry a look, Harry looked back to see Niall's backpack next to him. He was feeling a small headache coming, but he tried to ignore it. 

An hour later they were finally there. They got off the car and approached the house. Anne came out, giving them a smile. 

"Oh hello my loves. How are you doing."

"Mom this is my friend Niall, Niall this is my mom. Good everyone knows each other okay great let's go inside." Harry said racing inside. 

"Harry baby is everything alright?"

"Where is Robin." He asked.

"I'm here."

"Dad! Okay everyone is here-"

"Harry!" Gemma yelled. "What is going on?"

Harry took in a deep breath. 

"Niall follow me."

Everyone followed Harry out the backyard. He stood at the porch and looked around, once he saw his Robin's old beat up car. Her turned around. 

"Im sorry about this." He slid his ring off and took his glasses down. He then destroyed the car with his laser vision. Niall screamed. He looked at Harry. 

"Oh my god.. You.. Oh fuck. You're like here! You are just like Red Rose. Does that mean Gemma is her? What is happening!"

"No! I'm not like her, I am her."

Niall stared at Harry. 

"Wait what?"

"I make myself look like a woman, to hide my identity."

"Oh my god, my best friend is, my best friend is a super hero? Not even that he is a female super hero, ok I am confused."

"We don't have time. Niall I am not from this earth, I am not human. Therefore I do not get sick. But that thing that you have hurts me. Robin is a scientist and I need him to examine it please. I need to know why it's hurting me."

"Oh my god I just found Red Rose' Kryptonite." Niall whispered. 

"Niall, bud. If you can follow me to my lab please." Robin said. 

Anne gave Harry a worried look. Harry returned it.

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