Manager Qin fell into step behind her and carefully asked, "Third Young Madam, was it successful?"

Chu Lian had lost control of her emotions; her good cheer was written all over her face. To Manager Qin, she nodded and instructed, "Let Mr Miao stay in Dark Court 1 over the next few days. In seven days, pick someone you trust and bring Mr Miao to the Jing'an Estate."

After she finished giving Manager Qin his orders, she returned to the Jing'an Estate.

The novel was right. Great Doctor Miao was an absolute foodie. With those questions as bait, and after offering up the grape wine she had personally brewed, Great Doctor Miao had come to an agreement with her and agreed to go to the Jing'an Estate in seven days to check Countess Jing'an's illness. However, one of the conditions was that Chu Lian had to personally cook a dish he hadn't tried at Guilin Restaurant.

This condition was an easy one for Chu Lian, so she agreed to it without hesitation.

On the way back to the Jing'an Estate, Chu Lian had already thought of what to make: the crispy roast duck that Royal Princess Duanjia kept talking about.

House Jing'an's carriage was driving down a spacious green cobblestone street when a black horse galloping at full speed approached the carriage from the front. At a glance, it could be seen that the black horse wasn't just any common steed off the street.

The manservant driving the carriage was worried that they might get into an accident, so he nudged the carriage horses to the side of the road while cutting their speed drastically, doing his best to give the galloping horse as much space as he could.

However, the rider of that galloping horse didn't seem to notice that gesture at all. Conversely, he stuck to his own path and even moved closer to the carriage.

Without waiting for House Jing'an's manservant to react, the black horse crossed paths with Chu Lian's carriage with just a hair's breadth between them, and then disappeared at the end of the street.

As the horse sprinted past, the gust of wind it left in its wake parted the curtains covering the window of Chu Lian’s carriage.

Chu Lian could only hear the thundering hoofbeats pass by a little too close for comfort. She was about to ask the guards outside what was happening when she saw that a thin bamboo tube had been thrown into the carriage. It had rolled onto the carpet right in front of her

Any words she had to say were stuck in the back of her throat as her gaze slowly shifted to the thin bamboo tube. The special pattern on it was all too familiar to her. It was the exact same pattern as the one on the capsule she had found in the orange at the Zheng Estate when she had requested for fresh oranges. The capsule back then, however, had been slightly more fine.

Xiyan was sitting with her inside the carriage. When she saw the bamboo tube as well, she suffered a huge fright. Her head was also lowered as she stared at that little bamboo tube on the carpeted floor of the carriage. Fear filled her heart; if it hadn't been a simple bamboo tube, but instead some hidden weapon... then her master would probably be injured right now.

Xiyan was about to speak up to ask a question when Chu Lian tugged at her sleeve and shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed.

Xiyan then quickly covered her own mouth and nodded a few times at Chu Lian, indicating that she wasn't going to say anything.

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