Ch. 86 An Old Matriarch's Worries

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Even though Matriarch He said that, she knew that Sanlang's wife wasn't stupid. She had been watching Sanlang's wife this whole time. Perhaps she really was a lazy bones and didn't like to manage others. However, her little courtyard was managed very well. It was clear that Chu Lian just didn't like to work. Why had she been so wary of this lazy little imp trying to steal the main branch's authority? She was really getting on in her years if she hadn’t even been able to recognize Chu Lian’s true nature!

"Alright, alright. All you know how to do is act like a spoilt child. Wait until Sanlang comes back, then you can use that act on him instead! Grandmother's heart can't take your silliness anymore. Oh yes, what about that restaurant Grandmother gave to you? How is it doing now?"

Chu Lian chuckled and sat up straight again before she replied, "Don't worry, Grandmother! Granddaughter-in-Law has already made some arrangements. We'll be able to reopen in a few more days. By then, Grandmother has to help Granddaughter-in-Law out and grace the restaurant with your illustrious presence!"

When her thoughts led to the restaurant, something else had the matriarch worrying all over again.

The title of Count Jing'an was surely going to be passed down to Dalang. Sanlang had left so hurriedly for the northern border. Who knew if he would be able to make a name for himself out there? Although Sanlang's wife was a good child, with House Ying as her background, she surely didn't have much money at hand now. How was she supposed to maintain her own household in the future?

She only hoped that this young girl could really make something out of Guilin Restaurant again. She didn't hope for Chu Lian to earn tons of gold; it would be good enough if she could have at least a meager source of income for her household. That way, when Sanlang returned in a few more years, the couple would have a nice nest egg. As long as Matriarch He helped out by adding some gold here and there, their lives wouldn't be too poor.

Now there was only that disappointing brat, Erlang, who still refused to marry. Matriarch He had to keep some money in reserve for him as well. With so many areas to fund, as full as her purse might be now, it was slowly being slimmed further and further.

Her daughter-in-law's medicine fees would still have to be drawn from the shared household funds, too. That would be a humongous expense. When she thought of this, Matriarch He started feeling overwhelmed by all her worries.

To most people, it might look like a bed of roses to be a member of a noble house. However, if the noble house didn't have someone who knew how to earn money, then searching for sources of income was a massive headache on its own.

When Matriarch He was younger and in charge of the He household, she had managed to save up a good amount of money for her personal funds. She could be considered a rather wise matriarch from this action alone. However, she still wasn't all that good at business, and she had only managed to keep the properties in her hands running as per usual, rather than improving them somehow.

Later on, when she passed on the household management to her daughter-in-law, Countess Jing'an hadn't been in charge for long. She had given birth to her three sons during those years and hurt her body. The household management rights had been passed back to Matriarch He.

It wasn't until Madam Zou had married into the family that the rights had passed into her hands. However, Madam Zou was even worse at making money than Matriarch He, so it was good enough that their stores had even been able to continue operating as usual.

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