Chapter thirty three-Emma

Start from the beginning

"That was the worst lie of my life," Ava said, smiling at Tyson, "But, I did accomplish what I had tried to accomplish for a few weeks at least."

"It had been at your house for three days," Tyson laughed. 

"Ava," Emma put her hand to her chest in fake shock, "I had no idea you were such an animal hater. You might not be able to date a wolf," Emma turned to Tyson and whispered, "She might throw you in a pond." Ava rolled her eyes and pushed Emma forward. 

"Win us a goldfish, Emma," she laughed and Emma turned around. They were at the front of the line now. 

There were three basketball hoops nailed into the back wall and under them were a huge tank of goldfish. Emma thought they would be in tiny bags or something. She retrieved the ball from the short bearded man, handing him a few tickets. 

Emma stood in front of them, getting ready to shoot when something hit her. She didn't know how to shoot.

"Umm," Emma turned back around to Ava and Tyson.

Ava nudged Tyson with her elbow and he rolled his eyes and walked to her side, taking the ball out of her hand. "BEEF," he said, demonstrating, "Balance, eye, elbow, follow through," he set his feet and leveled his elbow in a 90 degree angle and shot, flicking his wrist downward when he let go. Emma's eyes followed the ball as it made it in the hoop. A siren went off and confetti flew out of the sides. 

The man, behind the stand, huffed and grabbed a net from the side, preparing a fish. Emma laughed and hugged Tyson. 

"Can't breath," he rasped, patting her back. She laughed and pulled back, letting him get air. 

"Sorry," she said and grabbed the small bag, with a tiny goldfish in it, from the man, sending him a sweet smile.

"What are you gonna name it?" Ava asked as they walked over to the small bench off to the side. Emma sat on it and raised the bag to eye level, watching it swim in circles.

"I don't know," Emma admitted, "Any recommendations?" she smiled and looked up at them. 

"Not Sammy," Tyson said, sitting beside Emma, "I'm starting to think the reason Ava didn't like my fish was because of his name." Emma laughed and Ava rolled her eyes, sitting on the other side of her. 

"Okay, so how about... Sunny?" Ava asked, staring at the small fish. Emma laughed. Sunny wasn't that good of a name for the fish of a Night Child but, whatever.

"Sunny it is," Emma said, setting the bag in her lap and looking out over the carnival. She had tried her first cotton candy here and it had been amazing. The last few hours had been amazing. Speaking of... "What time is it?" Emma asked, still looking over the carnival. 

Tyson pulled out his phone and turned it on, the light brightening his face, "It's almost nine thirty," he said and sighed. They were going to head back at ten, hopefully they would have enough time for the transformation. 

"Okay, then, we have enough time to talk about how Ava is apparently a demon," Emma copied her words, turning towards her. Ava bit her lip nervously and looked at Tyson over Emma.

"Oh, um, I figured out recently that I was injected with a demon's blood that died recently. So, that's how I am so powerful and how I am the first female wolf born." she said, a little to fast.

"Ava," Tyson warned. Emma turned to him but her was looking at Ava seriously, like he was telling her something important. 

"She has the right to know," Ava said, gesturing to Emma. Tyson rolled his eyes and stood up, walking away. "I also recently figured out the I am rightfully the alpha of the Chicago lycanthrope pack." Emma was listening but not really processing anything. If Ava was part demon then that means she isn't all earth. That means she has the potential to overcome the corruption. 

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