"There's no choice in that. I have to leave. But there's a sending off celebration before the seniors leave."

"Envy...!!" Amaro grained his teeth against a handkerchief he pulled out of the blue. "You get to have free food everywhere. And here I am, suffering in my studies."

"How about you actually study for the exams with the same amount of perseverance you put in gaming? Put all your attention off from gaming into the textbooks." Sakura chimed in. Amaru cried comic tears and pulled at his kerchief. "I have heard that many times before but hearing that from you is painful."

I stood up from my seat and stretched my hands up into the air. "Well! Since school is over except for club activities in the afternoon, why don't we go grab some food in the cafeteria?"

Sakura and Amaro nodded their heads in agreement and we made our way down the cafeteria. That was our plan; until Sakura phone rang and we were told that we were to meet someone outside.

"I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Sakura had this wide, grinning smile on her face, it was driving both I and Amaro crazy with the curiosity in both of us.

We made our way to the gates of the school after changing our shoes. My eyes saw no one by the gates. Sakura wouldn't lie to us. "Ne, Sakura. There's no one here."

"It can't be. I was told to meet them here."

I looked around once more before stepping past the gates and out through the school grounds. I turned my head to my right and my shoulders went slack. My spectacles slipped down my nose and I pushed them back up. "Oh..."

'What are they here for?'

Sakura appeared by my side and her smile beaming even more brighter. "Nii-san! There you are! Sneaky to stand on the outside!" She ran over to the blond-haired male and gave him a big hug.

"Mother texted me, saying you forgot to take your bento lunch with you. So, I was told to make one on my side and bring it to you." Kusanagi sighed out loudly. "I rather not do this for the sake of obliviousness, but she begged me to do it." He then held out a box-shaped item wrapped in a big cloth. "Here's your lunch delivery."

"Isn't it too big for one person?" Sakura poked at the cloth.

"It isn't just for us. I made some for you guys and us as well."

" 'Us'?" I questioned him. "That counts them as well?" I pointed my thumb in the direction of the other two people standing behind Kusanagi. A red-haired male and a white-haired female.

"Of course. The more the merrier." Kusanagi laughed whilst he smiled from ear to ear. A somewhat happy-go-lucky character he was. "We graduated from here years back. Good to say that we know the Principal well enough, so we won't have too much trouble being kicked out as intruders."

"Sneaky." Sakura grinned before she took the cloth bag into her hands. "That being said, let's go! I'm hungry!!" She turned and strode her way back into the school grounds. "I will meet you guys at the usual garden area!" She called back, directing her words towards Amaro and I.

I glanced at the brunette male, seeing him shrug his arms with a nonchalant look. "The more the merrier I guess."

"You as well...?" A sigh escaped my lips in response. I turned back around, only to have Anna grabbing onto my right hand and pulling me downwards, which made my shoulder move along to the sudden pull and ignited a small wince on my face. I wiped it off as soon as I could.

--That hurts...

"She seemed to have taken a liking to you." Kusanagi pointed out as he patted the head of Anna.

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