chapter 15

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Allison POV
I need to figure out a full prove plan to destroy that Darkmore. I grab a spell book and tried to see what can help me. But then I noticed a weird page in the book with some weird looking symbols. I showed Carrie the page from the spell book.

" Now it's pay back time" I said and Carrie smiled.

"I'll get my pack together to fight that bastard for once and for all" Carrie said and left outside the door.

I grab the spell book and grab my phone to call : Alexander. I heard his voice on the phone and told him we'll need back up for this battle. He agree and I hang up on my phone.

Carrie's POV
I called for my pack and Kayla comes too. I told my pack about the Darkmore and they agreed to help me. I saw Allison and told her we're ready.

Allison POV
It was night, me and Carrie got into the truck. I drove into the woods and I parked the truck behind the bushes. We waited and finally saw the Darkmore coming out of his shed like home. I told Carrie to stay in the truck until I gave her the signal. I walked towards the Darkmore and he smiled evily at me.

I casted a spell at the Darkmore and he blocks it; using a fire spell at me and I also got burned by it. I winced in pain a little and gave Carrie the signal. She got out of the truck and turned into her wolf form. She howls for her pack. I seen at least five wolves and Kayla in her wolf form too. They growled and surrounded the Darkmore.

" It's over, Darkmore" I said to him and he started laughing.

" What's so funny ?" I asked him while my hand was ready to cast a spell.

The Darkmore eyes glows, and  Carrie's pack start attacking him and he blasted them away. I saw that they were unconscious and Carrie growled at him.
I ran and climbed on Carrie's back. I rode towards the Darkmore and casted the spell from the spell book I read earlier. The Darkmore fell on the ground and he smiled evily.

He turned into his monster form and claws Carrie hard this time and she fell down in pain. I looked at Carrie sadly and she whines in pain. I looked angry at the Darkmore and held on my amulet.

Alexander finally comes and jumps on the Darkmore's back and bites him. My eyes glows with the amulet and blasted a powerful fire spell at the Darkmore. The Darkmore screamed in pain and disappears into ashes.

" Finally it's over" I said and hugged Alexander. He smiled and left the woods. I saw Carrie and she didn't move at all. I started to panic and  called Kayla. Kayla helped the other wolves to the cabin. She came back and help me pick up Carrie.

Kayla and I put Carrie in the trunk of the truck and drove to the cabin. We arrived and carried Carrie inside the cabin. We laid her down on the sofa and I started to get worried.

I put my hand on Carrie's forehead and it started to glow to scan her condition.

" Is she gonna be ok?" Kayla asked me.

" No, I think she's in a coma but hopefully she'll be ok" I said while holding Carrie's hand. Kayla left to check on the pack.
I stay by Carrie's side no matter what.

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