Pt 2

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"Y/n! There's no time, come on it's time to beat there ass's"
I could find him later, but know I had game to win.
I was the only one who was on the felid I skated around a bit, then I went to the center where everyone can see me.
"Hi, hello, can everyone hear me...good, this is a different kind of derby team. The rules are the same but we added another round , just for fun"
The Kioko came up.
"For the people who don't know how this is played I will gladly explain"

This video explains the rules.
"Is that understood"
Then Fo Wan came up
"The special round is where we shut off all of the lights and our helmets and skates or lighting up and if you choose to you can wear glow in the dark paint on your face only! And boundaries will also be lighted and we have our very own referees that can see in the dark. Do's don't try anything and Quirks are forbidden on this track if they catch you using it the opposing team wins the round."
"And that covers it, now get your Jammers and Pilovts ready, and make a plan.
The five of us that will be playing will be
"Fo Wan'
We all agreed that Miyo would be the Jammer and Kioko the Pilovt.
This was alway the plan that made us win.
So the first round went well, we won with 74-65. Classic score but the next round was actually made by my coach who was a good lady and really good at roller blading, but she left for her husband and needed help raising her kid, which had problem with people and there Quirk.
"Ohh, So you girls think that your better than us Hosu girls"
"No, we never said that, we are just here to have fun, so no picking fights, it gets messy quick with me around."
"Oh really how so!"
"Umm, Came, she the girl from U.A. who won second place in the sports festival today"
"Second place p, huh! Who's this person who beat you and who made first place!?"
"You really want to talk to him"
"Sure, he can't be worst than you!"
So he came by and started to pick a fight with her.
"Your going to let him do that"
"I seriously don't care anymore"
So I walked away minding my own business and passing out to the Hosu girl skates and helmets and a option of face paint.
"Hey, Y/n"
"Yeah, Hito"
"I wanna try out a nickname for you, and you can give me one, if you want"
"Maybe I will, how about 'Kitty'"
"Yeah! I've actually wanted to call you that for a while"
"Well is't your lucky day, you get to me that, but anyway you want something"
"I need you to talk to someone"
"You'll know her, once you see her"
He dragged me to the mini bar, where it was a girl with blue hair.
"Hey, I brought her"
She turned around was her! My old coach!
She got up and we ran towards each other. And hugged.
"Your back, why are you here what about your son?"
"Oh, he's fine"
"What how do you know Mihoko, Hito"
"I didn't tell you but that guy over there boyfriend"
"Sooo, she's the girl how you were talking about"
"What who are you to him?"
"I'm his mom"
"MOM! Wait, I'm dating my old coach's son"
"You are"
"I don't think she can process all this"
"Yeah, she couldn't have processed all that, she could never process big information"
"It seems"
"I'm just going to go outside and refresh my brain for a bit"
"I'll go with her, chow"
I was walking out the door and pacing back and forth in the parking lot.
"You seem stress"
"Hito, I can't process this, You dating me means I'm the daughter-in-law of my old coach, and the girls...they won't understand"
"Hey, come with me"
We were walking in a alley way. It was a little cold but not too cold.
"Do you want to ask me anything"
"Mmm, not really"
"Okay, I need to ask you something"
"What did you and All-Might talk about"
"We were talking about when my dad will come home and you"
"Me, why"
"They said by your performance in the fight that next year you will join the hero-course"
His eye widened and sparked
"Really they said that"
I looked down and looked back at him.
"They did. They really did!"
He walked over and hugged me and twirled me around. He dropped me back down and kissed me, the kiss got really heated that it turned into a make-out secession. Then he pushed me against the wall and put his knee in my crotch and mine's in his. I could feel him grow bigger and warmer. He pulled away.
"Let's finish this back at your place for now, ok, Kitty"
"Sure thing, Hito"
We both walked inside and it was dark the anything that we saw was certain things moving and doing other stuff. We walked a little closer and saw that the final round was starting. I looked over to see who I was standing next to. It was Denki.
"Hey who's winning."
"Pandora, Hosu is losing by a couple of points and time is almost half way done"
"Hmm, you like it"
"I love it, I might of found my new hobby"
"Here, you talk to me on Monday about this and I can hook you up with a good coach who trained all of the girls here"
"Really, That would be amazing"
"Glad to hear"
"Come on one more point, come on, yes, yes, yeS,yES,YES! WE WON, WHOOOOOOWHO!"
After our winning point we all of the skaters gathered in the center to celebrate, even Mihoko.
"What were!"
"Right here"
"How's your son? Is he doing good"
"Why not you ask him, Shinso, come"
"No way, he's your son, but he's dating Pandora!"
"I'm am"
"Okay, we all celebrated and now let's do the free skate"
"Free skate?"
"That mean the floor is open to anyone, and Since Present Mic.'s here we can do it in style. But he can start me and the girls got to change well I have to change."
"That sounds like a good idea".
I came out to a pink skirt and a gray heavy sweater.
"May I skate with you tonight Birthday girl"
"Please, can you even skate"
"I can roller blade"
"Good enough, let me guess your mom taught you"
"How can you skate?"
"Faster than you"
"Is that a challenge"
"Oooooo, Shinso has a challenge for Pandora"
"Do you accept this challenge?"
"I do"
"You hear that everyone, she accept, so clear the floor"
"Are you sure you want to race her, of all people, her. She's going to wipe the floor with you"
"Don't worry I was trained by the best"
"So was she, you 2 were trained by the same person"
"Okay, now that's going to be hard"
"You regretting this now"
"Suit yourself"
Once the floor was clean, we got at the starting line and getting ready to start.
"Okay, I want a clean fight you two love birds, by sawing this NO QUIRKS. Got it!"
We both nodded.

We were off we were at the same speed, it was 15 laps around the track, they argue if it was going to be 10 or 5. But one of them said that we were taught by the same person, so they pushed it up to 15 laps.
We were going at the same speed, well he thinks that we are going to same speed.
"You holding up all right"
"Yeah,and you"
"Same, and also is this fast for you"
"Yeah, why you said that"
"Cause I can faster!"
Then I soomed right past him, when I got in front of him a turned around and skated backwards. I got close and gave him a peck, he wanted to go faster but he couldn't, he could tear off his wheels.
"Can't keep up!"
"Just wait till we get back to your place"
I slowed down a bit that made him ahead of me. And we were on the final lap. I had a effort to try to speed up but when we got close to the finish line, it was so close. was a tie?
They couldn't figure out who it was who crossed the finish line first.
I was torn out, I couldn't skate for the night , I walked over to the mini bar, where I just sat down for the night.
"That was interesting"
I looked over and it was Kirishima.
"How so"
"Skating against your loved one"
"Please, I've been through harder times"
"Name one"
" I broke my leg skating and I fell over and it got run over"
"Ooo, that's gotta hurt"
"It did"
"Si Kioko called me to get you"
"Cause you got presents"
"Who would give me presents"
"Well it's your birthday and you have people who care about you, soo... just come"
I walked over to the center of the felid. And on the side there was a pile of gifts.
"You know you guys didn't have to get me a gift"
"But we in since we get you one"
They all know that I'm embarrassed. But they got me one. So I didn't regift it.
There was some that I actually wanted and there was some that got me emotional(happy).
But the last 2 were... a story to remember.
"Last 3, this one is from: Kirishima and Asui"
When I was unwrapping it I heard giggles in the pack in front of me, it would make sense that it was them 2.
It was a box, when I opened it, and looked, I quickly shut it.
And my face went red.
"What is it?"
"It's... YOU LOOK!"
I shoved it to him and hide my face in my hands.
When I looked at him his face was red also.
"You have some thoughtful friends, huh?"
"Yeah...I do"
What was inside was, (I can't believe I'm typing this) condoms and birth control pills.
"You wanna try when we get back to your place?"
"I'm just kidding"
"only if you want to"
"just be quiet about it, and tell no one!"
After we had our little whisper session, we got back to opening gifts. There was one last one.
"Almost there last two"
"To me from Hitoshi, you didn't have to"
"This was part of the plan for like a while"
And I swore that it was making sounds.
"Did you get me a animal?"
"Maybe? Just open it"
When I lifted up the blanket, it was a animal cage. When I looked in it I saw a pair of eyes staring back a blue one and the other was green. I knew only one cat who has the same eye colors.
"No way! You didn't!"
He only smiled.
I opened it and a familiar cat walked out out, it was Rin.
I was starting to tear up a little.
"No wonder you said you said you planned this for a while"
"Come here"
I got closer to him to give a hug.
"Thank you, Thank you so much"
"No problems, now I have 2 kitty's in my present"
"Wow, that was so anti-climatic"
"Okay, so now you have 1 last gift before we can go"
I forgot that Touya actually remembered and sent me a gift, it was kind of heart warming. It was a wraped box, a big box the size of my head.
"Who is it from"
"An old friend or best friend"
"Who is..."
"Touya Todoroki"
I looked at Shoto in the crowd he seemed surprised.
"He gave it to you in person"
"No, he got someone else to send it, but I know that he is still alive and well"
When I was done unwrapping it, the gift was and clear blue model of a flame, that would represent his Quirk.
And under it was a note craved in it. It said' see you during summer'
I was shocked I was going to see him again sooner than I expected.
I was going to keep this secret for my self.
"And that's all, thanks for coming, see y'all on Monday!"
Hey thanks for reading and don't forget to VOTE,COMMENT,AND FOLLOW me for more

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