Looking at them they were mostly his parents and the tattoo he wanted to get. He ran out of tissue to draw on. But then looks at his arm and then at the drawing of his wanted tattoo.

I'm so board, and I have been literally drawing on tissues for what seems like an hour. Mummy and Daddy just kept talking, what are they talking about? They were loud and the walls on the bus were thin, so I pressed my ear against the wall, facing the living area and hearing;

"It's so hard having a child here, really wanted to have next few weeks to ourselves." I heard Daddy say, but then he adds; "maybe we should look into sending him to boarding school, when we get back home."

Boarding school?! What. Daddy wants to send me away? But, if it happens, I will miss my parents. I won't see Mummy and Daddy and I love them so much, I can't bear to be apart from them for a long time. "We could but, a lot of boarding schools are expensive." Mummy said then Daddy said, "Well, I found one that's really good in Washington DC."

He wants to send me miles away from home in another state?! What. How is Mummy going about this? "No. No, Brendon we are not sending our son away to another state. He's only six." Mummy said but then adds, "if we want to send him to boarding school, then we have to look for one that is good in our area."

"Ok, your right. Besides it might not happen, it was just an idea I came up with." Daddy said, as I heard them kiss and then Mummy saying, "if we do decide on sending Eugene to boarding school, let's first agree on something before making a decision." Ok so Mummy is ok with sending me to boarding school. I feel like I lost my parents at this point.

"I lost them!" I cried out, oh no! I didn't want to be that loud and now Mummy and Daddy will think I'm crazy. I heard footsteps coming this way, I pulled the curtain of my bed across to hide. "Eugene, Eugene." It sounded like Daddy, he's in here. "Nothing!" I said as his silhouette got closer to the curtain.

"We're here!" I hear Chris yell, as it made Daddy go away. I got out and saw him and Mummy leaving the bus and going into a building, it was huge. I watched from the window, seeing Daddy talking to two men. Mummy was out there too, also talking to them. What could they possibly be on about?

I didn't even bother to go out there or ask, they'll ignore me and I know it. They'll be there for ages, so I carried on watching them. I even pulled out a little plastic bag from my suitcase, it had some sugar bombs in it. Mummy thought she could stop me from eating sugar bombs, Well this time she didn't as she's out there and I'm in here.

The sugar bombs were quite dry, I looked in the mini fridge of the little kitchen seeing mostly alcohol and water. Ooh there's milk, as I pulled out the bottle then realising it was a milky vodka. Yeah I've heard of vodka, why? Cause Daddy drinks it. I mean it is milk with just vodka added to it.

Pouring it in the plastic bag of sugar bombs and then digging a spoon in it and eating it. Woah that's strong! It's like heating my mouth and throat. Only lasted a few seconds but most of all I still ate them. They still taste good though.

Besides it's not like they can see me through the window. Right?

I watched as I ate sugar bombs, seeing them get a little closer to my window. I continued to eat them, they seemed to have tasted pretty sugary than usual. Hopefully they don't glance in my direction. I ate some more, crunching them down in every bite. The door opens and I quickly hide the bag of sugar bombs, in came Mummy, Daddy and the two men. I didn't know who they were.

They didn't seem to care where I was, they continued talking.

"Mummy, Daddy. Who are these people?" I said feeling a little funny after eating the sugar bombs. "Eugene, I'm busy talking. Not now." Daddy said a little sharply then continued to talk to the two men. One of them looked at me, then at Daddy saying, "It's ok Brendon. Hey there kiddo, I'm Brad. A friend and guitarist of your Daddy's." he said, seemed nice.

A Child's Wish To Have Loving Attention | P!ATD (Panic! At the Disco) Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now