Bonus: Mourning A Canary

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I was tired, long day at work than stopping 2 armed robberies within the span of 13 minutes, hell, even Barry was tired. We retreated back to my apartment, relaxing on my bed. "I'm starving," He said, "Want big belly burger?"

"Yes," I smiled. He ran out, nearly blowing me out of the bed. "Jesus"

I sat up and went to take my badge off when my phone began ringing, Barry ran back in. "Hardly anyone there," He said, handing me the bag.

"Hello?" I said, answering my phone. I walked over to my dresser and started emptying my pockets. 

"It's Sara," Oliver said. I paused, looking back at Barry who was snacking on a burger.

"What about her?" I asked. Barry looked up, giving me a confused expression.

"She's dead" 

I dropped my phone, freezing the way I stood. Barry ran over, picking up the phone "Hello?" He asked. He was quiet for a few minutes, "I'll get her there in a minute"

"It... no... no, she can't" I panicked, Barry hung up and pulled me into his arms. "NO!"

"Shh, hey," He said, "It's going to be okay, shh"

I began sobbing into his chest, He held me close. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, sitting up and wiping my eyes. "I need to get to Starling," I said.

"Get ready, I'll run you there"


Barry set me down, I nearly collapsed seeing my sister lying on the table with 3 arrows in her. "Avery," Oliver said. I walked over to the table, tears beginning to sting my eyes.

I took her hand, already frozen, "Sara... oh my god, I'm so sorry" I sobbed, my knees hitting the floor. 

"Who did this?" I heard Barry asked, they began whispering. Laurel held me as I cried, her tears hitting my neck.

"We have to tell Quentin" I heard Felicity say.

"No," I said, slowly standing up. Laurel helped me. "He can't know anything, not until we find who did this"

"Avery..." Dig said.

"You know how distraught he got when I died," I said. 

"Why can't we just get her to Nanda Parbat and have them use the pit on her like we did with you" Roy suggests. 

"I died on the trip to Nanda Parbat, It left a period where I was still warm, but she's already cold," I said, leaning on Laurel. "If we try bringing her back now, she'd come back 10x worse than I did"

"What can we do then? We can't keep her here" Dig stated.

"We bury her where she was supposed to be buried," Laurel said, wiping her eyes.

"We'll clean her up," I said. Felicity handed me some gloves and I put them on. Barry walked over.

"You don't have to do this," He said.

"Yes, I do," I said, "Can you- take some samples, it might help"

"Yea, I'll go grab my bag," he said, running out. I turned back to Sara.

"I'm going to go- I can't-" Felicity said, she and Roy rushed out.

"Avery" Oliver stepped forward.

"We find who did this, and we put 6 arrows in them," I said, beginning to pull an arrow out. I held it up. "And I already have the first suspect"

"Who?" Dig asked. 

"The League"


Dig and Oliver had dug up the casket dad buried all those years ago. We put Sara in slowly, burying it back over. "Little bird," Oliver said. "I'll find who did this"

"I know," I said, "Cause if you don't... Eashiqa will come out to play"

Roy patted the last bit of dirt down and stood straight. "We'll fight back for you, Sara," Felicity said.

"Say hi to Robert and Tommy for me,"


We walked back to the van, Dig stopping me before we got in. "Lyla had the baby," He said.

"That's great, Dig," I said.

"Well she had her yesterday, but we just named her," He said. "Sara"

"Dig..." I smiled, tears stinging my eyes again. I wrapped my arms around him, he hugged me back. 

We pulled from the hug and Laurel hugged him. "Hey" Barry walked over, "I already have something that came back from a test"

"What is it?" I asked.

"2 of the arrows were laced," He said, "Not a poison, but something that I've never seen before"

He handed me the paper and I looked at Oliver, "I know where to start"

He pulled out his bow and quiver, looking at me. "We stand with you Canary"

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