Bonus: Training

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"Hey, babe?" Barry called out.

"Yea?" I asked, putting my badge on my dresser, Barry came in with bandages. "Oh no"

"I got stabbed while I wasn't looking, Caitlin said it'll heal by morning, but I have to wrap it for the night," He said, "Can you help?"

"Sit down," I said. He sat on the bed and I began bandaging him up. "You need to pay more attention"

"I know" He sighed. 

"You're doing amazing as a hero, but you still need some improvement," I said, placing my hands on his cheek. "You just need to train some more"

I kissed him, which led to him pulling me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he fell backwards, "Ouch" He said.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked, sitting up again.

"Yea just hit my wound" He chuckled, pulling me back down and kissing me again. 

~ (Yea... I ain't writing that) ~

I was using the salmon ladder Cisco and Caitlin had gotten me when I told them I needed to train. "Oh my god, I understand Felicity's liking for the salmon ladder" I heard Barry walk in with the others. I jumped off and dusted off my hands.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Hey," Barry said, Caitlin and Cisco were clearly snickering behind him, Wells and Joe just gave each other knowing looks. "Uh, what did you need me fore?"

"Training," I said, picking up my detached bo staff.

"Shouldn't I be on the treadmill than?" He asks.

"Not speed training, fighting training," I said, "There will be a time when your speed won't be able to win a fight"

"But you'll always be by my side," He said, I couldn't help but blush a little.

"I don't have speed regeneration, Barr," I said, "You highly inexperienced"

"I think you know how experienced I am," He said, smirking. I spun around, hitting his legs causing him to hit the floor, I spun again and crossed my bo staffs on his neck, trapping him.

"tubqi eaqalak ealaa altawali" I stated. 

"What?" He asked.

"Keep your mind straight" I stated again, "I'm basically telling you to focus. Now stand up and try to attack me"

He stood up and attempted to tackle me, I jump out of the way and put my foot on his back. "Your attack is predictable, you aimed for my shoulder, aim for my legs" I stated. "Again"


After hours, I knew this would be the last one. "Again," I said. He successfully disarmed me and tackled me, pinning on arms and legs and holding me in a knock out position. 

"You did it," I said, he let go and started celebrating.

"Finally!" Cisco cheered. "Only took 4 hours"

I stood up and moved my bo staff over. "See babe, I'm a fast learner," Barry said.

"You realize that was basic training right?" I asked.

"What?" Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, and Barry asked at the same time.

"I learnt that during my first week with Slade," I said. "That training session was just so you don't get hurt again during your rounds tonight"

"Are you saying there's going to be more training sessions?" Barry asked.

"You don't get good at fighting overnight..." I quoted Shado. "I'm going to shower and get ready for rounds"

"How many more training sessions?" Barry asked, whipping around and following me.

"As many as we need"

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