🍋Kisame X Tsundere Reader - Some things never change

Start from the beginning

"In the flesh baby"

I didn't hear the wind as it ruffled the leaves in the trees, I didn't hear the birds chirping their happy songs. My mind didn't register that clouds were drifting over us, pushed by the wind. The only thing my mind was able to register were those magnificent black and white eyes, staring intensely into my own e/c orbs.

Ever so slowly I brought up my own hand, carefully wiping away the bit of dried up blood in the corner of Kisame's mouth. he didn't alter his gaze. His eyes stayed linked with mine for what felt like hours but couldn't be more than two or three minutes. When I finally managed to remove all the blood from his mouth I let the tears allow to blur my vision again.

Kisame was alive and well enough to sit up, my prayers to a god that I didn't believe in were answered.

"Don't cry Y/n-chan" Kisame whispered, using his thumb to wipe away the tears but the dams were broken and the droplets of water poured from my eyes like a rainy day. I sobbed heavily with Kisame's hand still on my cheek.

"Y-you d-died Kisa"

Kisame's grinned and cupped my cheeks with both hands. "I didn't die Y/n, no ordinary weapon can end my time with you in this world, I was just a little drained but Shamehada fixed me up again," he said, reassuring me that I hadn't lost him and wouldn't lose him anytime soon.

"Let's go to an inn y/n-chan, we need to clean these wounds and rest," Kisame stated, letting go of my cheeks in the process. Reluctantly I nodded my head but didn't move from my spot on Kisame's lap. Unwilling to stand up, unable to let go of him.

Kisame knuckled as I kept clinging to him and put his hands on the ground to push himself off the ground. My legs were wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck, my eyes focused on his face as if he would disappear as soon as I allowed my eyes to look towards anything else. Kisame smirked and placed his hands on my bum, softly caressing the skin hidden in my tight shorts. "Shamehada, come."

The swords quickly crawled into the holder strapped to Kisame's back and with Shamehada on his back and me, clinging to him like a koala clinging to its mother, he started walking, searching for an inn.

---Time skippy no jutsu! Brought to you by Tobirama's hate for the Uchiha's!---

Kisame's Pov

I received the keys to our room from the somewhat amazed receptionist. She didn't even try to contain her facial expression as I walked in with Shamehada on my back and Y/n still clinging to my front. I knuckled to myself as I walked into our room and softly closed the door behind me, still using one hand to keep Y/n steady. Her eyes had closed about half an hour ago but even in her sleep, her grip on my neck didn't release the slightest bit. She had been fighting the fatigue for some time but eventually, she lost the battle and had to give in to it.

For the first time, I saw her as the woman she was. She was a few years younger than I am, joined the Akatsuki when she was only 17 but now she was an adult, although she didn't act like it. I liked to tease her without an end but now I had her in my grasp and I wasn't willing to let go of her anytime soon.

I walked over to the futon and carefully bent over to place her on the bed but still here tiny hands didn't let go of my neck. 'She sure has some strength in those tiny hands' I was bent over the bed but I had to sink down on my knee because being bend over wasn't the most comfortable position.

I was hovering over her, her arms still around my neck but she was sound asleep, her face a picture of tranquillity.

"Y/n-chan, you can let go. I'm not going anywhere" I whispered softly as I caressed the face skin of her cheek. It was so soft, like the skin of peace.

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