Chapter 30: Accidents Happen I

Start from the beginning

"Quite a bit... Are they serious?"

"It looks like you have some second-degree burns. Your dermis has been damaged by the hot tea and it'll take a couple of weeks to heal. Luckily, there are only small patches of these burns so you'll just need to be careful and use this ointment I have." Nurse Hannah stood up and went to her cabinets, but a frown formed on her face. "I must have run out. I'll give you the name of a good treatment I know of and you can get it on the way home. Be careful, Kaede. Check up with me a week from now to see how you're healing." I nodded and looked at my hands in the water. Tears started to trickle down my face. How could I get this unlucky? I shook my head. At least I was able to save Shuichi. I can't let this bring me down.

    ~ Shuichi's POV ~

       I started walking back and forth in front of the nurse's office. I really hope Kaede is okay... I thought back to when she suddenly pushed me away. Not a single drop landed on me... Dammit, if only I noticed before, we both could have avoided it. "Shuichi?" I relaxed my shoulders and turned at the sound of my name.

"Oh, hey, Rantaro."

"What are you doing near the nurse's office?" he asked walking up to me.

"Waiting for Kaede in there." His confused look turned into an extremely concerned one.

"What happened?"

"Hot tea spilled on her." His eyes widened.

"She's the one who screamed... How is she?"

"I'm not sure yet, but someone pushed the guy and his drink... It was supposed to land on me, but she saved me..." My fists clenched again and guilt fell over me.

"That sounds like Kaede for you. Just take care of her if you want to pay her back." I turned to him and smiled nodding my head.

      "Over there! Wait, Shuichi and Rantaro!" We both turned around and saw Miu, Maki, Tenko, and Mikan. Tenko and Maki raced to us while Miu and Mikan were trying to catch their breaths.

      "Is Kaede in there?" Maki asked with a calm , but concerned voice. I nodded and she sighed.

      "W-what happened?!" Mikan asked.

      "Long story, someone accidentally spilled tea on her," Rantaro answered. I glanced at him then turned towards Maki who had a frown on her face.

      "How the hell can someone be so clumsy?!" Miu asked.

       "Wait, how did you guys know Kaede was here?" I asked.

       "We all heard the scream from the tables and ran to see students still talking about it. They told us where you both went so we raced here," Tenko answered.

       "I've gotta go. Let me know how she is." I nodded at Rantaro who smiled softly walking past me. He had a strange look in his eyes, but I didn't think much of it.

    ~ Kaede's POV ~

"Okay, now we just need you to get a change of shirt. Do you happen to have a spare one from gym?" I shook my head then remembered that Shuichi has a shirt underneath his coat.

      "Can Shuichi come in?" She looked down at me in my bra, but I nodded again to let her know I was okay. She opened the door, slightly. I was surprised to see all my friends standing right at the entrance.

      "Kaede!" They exclaimed as they noticed my presence.

       "Hey guys! How did you know I was here?" I asked a little amazed at how fast news traveled.

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