Chapter 29: Breaking the news II

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Shuichi: I'm just kidding, I've been home.

Kaede: Shuichi! You scared me! That isn't funny >:(

Shuichi: Haha I'm sorry I won't do it again.

Kaede: ...

Shuichi: Are you mad?

Kaede: ...

Shuichi: You're pouting right now, aren't you?

      My cheeks instantly turned pink at that message.

Kaede: No!

Shuichi: I knew I'd get you to talk.

Kaede: Geez... Stop talking like you know me.

Shuichi: But don't I know my own girlfriend?

Kaede: Unfortunately :P

      I smiled heavily at the last word of that message. I replayed the sound of Shuichi's voice in my head when he asked if I could be his girlfriend. We continued messaging about the most random things as if we were still best friends. It was relieving to see that this wouldn't change even if we were dating. It turned 10 o' clock way too quickly, but my eyes were starting to feel heavy.

Shuichi: It's getting late, I'm gonna head to bed.

Kaede: Me too, I'm getting tired.

Shuichi: Can I drive you to school tomorrow?

Kaede: Is that even a question? Of course! I'll see you at 7:30

Shuichi: Good night <3

Kaede: Good night <3

     I shut off my phone feeling my heart beat quickly. He has such a strong effect on me! I wonder if it's the same for him.

      Contrary to most days of the week, especially Mondays, I woke up with a big smile on my face. I was looking forward to seeing Shuichi and telling everyone about us. I took a quick morning shower, got dressed, and ate an apple as a quick breakfast meal. I saw my phone buzz and instantly snatched it to see Shuichi's message. I grinned and ran out to see his car. It was the first time that he picked up in a while and I truly missed it. 

       "Good morning, Shuichi!"

       "Good morning, Kaede." We leaned in and kissed each other before heading to school. The taste of his lips and the warmth that I always felt instantly made my heart skip a beat. He held my hand, but focused on the road for the entire ride. I kept glancing at him admiring his new look. "I-is something the matter?" he asked.

      "Not at all. I just love seeing you without your hat on." He didn't make eye contact with me showing a pink tint on his cheeks. I couldn't help, but giggle. Once Shuichi parked the car, we walked hand-in-hand into the school. I saw students immediately turn to us and whisper to each other.

      "There are so many eyes on us," Shuichi said quietly.

      "That's what dating is like in high school." I laughed and leaned in closer to him. We went straight to our normal hang out spot. Miu was the first to turn and notice us. Her eyes were wide and she shoved Tenko and Maki pointing our way. When they saw us they, too, had surprised looks on their faces. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed waving to them with my free hand.

     "Is this what you meant?!" Miu asked.

     "I knew they were dating!" Tenko exclaimed.

Falling for my best friend [OFFICIAL]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz