52. Raping the Mind and Ensnaring the Senses

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Severus couldn't believe what he had just experienced.

He was so repulsed that he ran to the bathroom and vomited.

He started to cry uncontrollably, while he splashed his face with water.

This ain't normal.

Something happened in Dubrovnik. Something charmed everyone. Even Draco. Despite what he read in the books and whatever investigation he made, it wasn't normal. The worst part of it: he wasn't able to stop.

It was like a hurricane that despite his second thoughts, he was unable to say no and stop the action.

He locked himself in his room, trying to think of a way to get out of this madness.

He felt dirty.

- Should I contact Albus ? Should I tell him what the matter is ? he kept on wondering.

He decided to floo and meet with Albus, who was shocked to see him appear suddenly in front of him, without prior notice.

- What is it, Severus my boy ? Albus asked and Severus started talking, explaining the whole situation, while he was crying.

Albus stopped him.

- Severus! It is a common tradition in pureblood families, but not like this. Not like you describe it!!

Have you checked that your children are under to spell ? That you are under no spell ?

Severus face started to lose the little colour he had left.

He shook his head.

Albus casted "Finite Incantatem" on Severus and he felt immediately relieved.

- Severus, what happened in Dubrovnik ? Something happened. You never argued with your wife. You lost her. You lost your child. Charlotte appeared to have an illness, but no one ever detected it. Your children started to act weird. Have you ever gone back to that house and check it ?

Severus thought about it for a moment.

He shook his head "no".

- Severus, we need to go and check the House , but before that we need to make sure that we will remain untouched.

- I feel so stupid, he replied.

- You shouldn't. Even the most clever wizards and witches fell under dark magic, remember ?

- I must contact my kids. We need to inform them.

- No! Ask them to come here and I will perform a finite incantetem and a memory spell if they feel bad about their actions.

Severus agreed and he called both his children to floo.

They appeared almost immediately.

Nathan was wearing a lose pair of short and a t-shirt. He had his hands in front of his crotch, an obvious move to hide his new erection.

Bella was wearing again her little black dress.

Albus surprised them with his spell.

Bella felt dizzy and she was caught by Severus before falling.

Nathan's eyes were round from surprise.


Bella freaked out as well. She noticed that she wasn't wearing any clothes underneath the dress.

- I am not a slut. What is this ? What is wrong ? What happened ?

Albus explained to all of them:

- You were all under a spell. A powerful dark curse, that most probably got under your skin while you were in Dubrovnik. I am able to perform a memory spell on you in order to supress the sexual actions that you have been engaging. Severus and I will need to visit that House in Dubrovnik and investigated the kind of curse that was placed upon it and upon you.

- Albus, Nathan started to speak , I need to ask you something first.

- Anything my boy.

- IF, IF you find that all harm done to our family during the past 18 months was because of that curse... would you allow us to use a time machine to warn our mother when she suggested to go there ?

- We never mess with time so much, Nathan. BUT, I will consider it.

Both Nathan and Bella stayed with Minerva at Hogwarts while Severus and Albus immediately departed for Dubrovnik.

- Albus, I suspect that both Draco and Astoria might be inflicted. They also visited the House.

- We will arrange them to be cleared out as well.

They were at the main entrance, when they were both shocked by what they saw.

Instead of the beautiful villa with the private beach, the whole place was like a crooked house right out of the worst possible nightmare.

The land was definitely cursed. The negative energy was so intense, that it was impossible for both men to actually breath.

The smell was also sick. Like a rotten meat.

It was diabolical.

Albus and Severus tried to cast purifying spells but it was futile. The place was cursed. They should investigate what had happened by going to town and ask local people.

What they discovered was beyond imagination.

The rumors said that the place originally belonged to a descendant of the witch Morgana LeFey.

He had a wife and two children.

One night he lost his mind. He raped his kids, killed them and then chopped them into pieces and burnt them. He made a paint from their ashes and painted the front porch.

His wife got mad and killed herself.

He also committed suicide, but before that he cursed the land, the beach and the House and declared his devotion to the devil.

Whoever moved in that house either died, or lost his mind.

It was a miracle that Severus and his family almost made it with minimum losses.

Severus was devastated. If only he sensed that.

- Perhaps the use of time machine is the best option we have. But who will use it ?

- YOU, Albus. Severus said and explained:

- You weren't with us when Charlotte proposed the villa in Dubrovnik. You need to come as a visitor, inform me about your actions, and change Charlotte's opinion about it.

Albus nodded and they both apparated back to Hogwarts.

It was past midnight, so no one saw them.

Albus reached out on a hidden cupboard under his desk and fetched a small time machine.

- Wish me luck, Severus he said and winked.

Everything started to change ...

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