Warren lifted himself into the air. //You there, Bets?//

//Right here. Scott? Warren's on his way.//

//Eyes on the sky,// Scott said, looking up.

"What's going on?" Jubilee asked.

"Angel's coming," Scott said, "I'm linked to him and Betsy. Kinda hard to talk and psi-talk."

"Oh. Of course. I'll - not ask questions for a moment then," Jubilee said.

Scott, Alex, Jubilee and Commander Brand watched and waited. The mist and the darkness meant that they wouldn't see Warren until he was mere feet away.

"This is really nerve-wracking," Jubilee said, rocking from foot to foot, trying to her blood moving as much as keep her balance. Her hands were shoved deep into her pockets, coat collar pulled up and shoulders hunched. "Also it's really cold. Of course, I knew it would be cold, but it's really cold."

"They're called long-johns, Jubes. They mightn't be fashionable, but they sure help," Alex said.

"I didn't exactly have time to go home and change. M and I actually had a job to do before we met you at the station."

"Go and sit downstairs if you're that cold," the Commander said.

"Once we get everyone on board I will," Jubilee said. "Should I - I don't know... make some sparks? Like a flare? Give Mr Worthington something to aim towards?"

"That might work," Scott said, and relayed the thought to Betsy.

//Tell her to go ahead. Just a couple though. If we can see it from land, she'll have to stop immediately.//

"Go ahead, Jubilee," Scott said.

Jubilee pulled one hand out of her pocket, and slowly uncurled her fingers. "I really hope this doesn't get us caught and killed," she said, as a few sparks shot up from her fingertips into the sky. "Can they see that?"

"SCOTT!" came a shout from the mist.


Everyone on board looked around, and within seconds a dark shape appeared in the clouds, which then took the form of Warren Worthington as he came crashing down on deck, landing most unceremoniously, knocking Scott over. Warren lay on his back for a moment and laughed hysterically.

"What the - " Brand felt something touch her foot and flicked on the torch and saw a selection of coats and boots scattered across the deck. "Oh, that is clever."

"It's our things," Warren said, calming himself and sitting up. "Logan's coat isn't worth keeping, but everyone else's is there."

Brand shone the torch at Warren. "You look like a damned ghost."

Warren squinted.

"Brand, get it out of his face," Scott said, standing back up. He pulled Warren to his feet. "Jubilee, Mr Worthington needs warm clothes and hot drink, pronto."

"Yes, sir," Jubilee said.

"Miss Lee," Warren said, grabbing Jubilee's arm, "That was an absolutely inspired idea."

Jubilee beamed as she hurried into the cabin below.

//Betsy, Warren's on board.//

//All good, Bets!// Warren said, tucking up his wings and pulling his coat on. He looked around the boat, wondering if it was one of the already legendary small ships that had been part of the evacuation from Dunkirk.

//Wonderful,// Elizabeth said. "Right," she said, looking around at the team in the pale light, everyone with their arms wrapped around themselves trying in vain protect themselves from the cold. "Everyone can swim, correct?"

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