Chapter 3

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As Rogue, Elizabeth and Warren escaped through the traboule, Elizabeth reached out her mind. "I can't feel anyone..."

"You got a headache at all?" Rogue asked in a whisper.

"I do feel a bit nauseous," Elizabeth confessed.

"They must have psi-blockers nearby. Ah don't feel impacted," Rogue said.

"Me neither," Warren said. "I can hear someone."

"Are the coming for Monet?" Elizabeth asked. "Rogue, we have to warn her if - "

"They know she's there," Rogue said, opening the door onto the Rue de Bœuf. "Marius is stringing her along. He wants to see her reduced to begging in the streets before he has her carted off to the camps. This way, come on."

Warren shut the door, and they headed past a few shops before Rogue opened the door to another traboule.

"Why aren't these locked?" Warren asked, again shutting the door behind him. From the street, the doors into the traboules looked just like any other door, without any clues that an alleyway lay behind them. Warren wanted to grab the girls and fly out of this mouse trap, but he had little doubt that the Gestapo would have a lookout and snipers and ground-to-air weaponry on the Fourviére, just waiting for any flight-based activity, mutant or otherwise. But he found it so hard just to stay grounded.

"No one trusts those bastards not to just set the whole Old Town alight if they can't get what they want," Rogue said, leading them towards the door at the other end. Elizabeth stumbled and Warren grabbed her arm.

"What's wrong?"

"The power damper, it's near here. I can hardly think..."


The three stopped. "Sounds like we're not the only ones headed down here," Warren said, still holding Elizabeth.

"That wasn't a gun shot," Rogue said. She turned back to the couple and smiled. Outside, they heard a familiar voice yelling and another explosion. "It's Remy."

Rogue flung the door open and the three found themselves in the middle of a fray.

"Fantomex, find and disarm the power dampener!" Warren yelled. He watched Rogue literally fly into the fight, pick up a member of the Gestapo by the collar, punch him in the face and drop him back on the street, all without going higher than the top of the buildings. Warren couldn't help but be impressed.

"I've got it!" Remy called, and threw a powered-up playing card at a black box sitting in a doorway across the road, which exploded on impact. Elizabeth felt her telepathy return within an instant.

"He missed the memo where we wanted to save and reverse-engineer one of those, didn't he?" she asked, focussing her power into a telekinetic sword. The purple glow of the sword lit up the street.

"Psylocke, any time you wanna use your TP to shut these folks down would be real nice," Rogue yelled in English, slamming one of the Gestapo into a wall. He collapsed in a heap.

"They've got shields in their helmets," Elizabeth called back, swinging her sword. The Gestapo solider running at her with a knife dropped stunned to his knees, doubled over. "We need to do this the old fashioned way."

"Almost done here," Logan said, pulling his claws out of the side of the of another. "Head count?"

"There were six of them when we appeared," Warren said.

They all looked around. Only five bodies lay in the street. "Who's missing?" Fantomex asked.

Rogue sighed, and landed beside Remy. "Have a guess..."

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