Chapter Thirteen

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MY MOM PACKS ME UP AND WE MOVE FAR AWAY FROM MANCHESTER, IN FACT, FAR AWAY FROM ENGLAND IN THE FOLLOWING TWO MONTHS. Unlike the films, Liam and I don't have an even more special reunion where we confess our love for each other and become unbearably close. We move back to Chicago without my dad. Liam and I say goodbye. I wish Noel well. I say Oasis is a good name for a band. Liam kisses me for the last time, and I still feel the passion between us. When we pull away, something like desire flashes across his eyes for a moment, then he turns me away to pack.

It hurt leaving Manchester. The feeling that I've done something wrong didn't leave for many years. It just dissipated, returning to some effect every time I saw Liam's face on the news about the phenomenal success of Oasis.

I married Grant James when he turned up on the doorstep of my successful magazine because I thought I was entranced by him. He promised me change and I believed him. God, I was stupid. The only good thing were the two kids I had: a girl who looks remarkably like me and a boy that I will never admit is Liam's.

That's the funny thing, Grant stopped thinking about me as soon as John was born. That's when I pulled out the divorce papers from behind the headboard and filled them out in between getting proofs of the fashion magazine's monthly issue.

Every now and then I think about the night when Liam and I met again. I wish I was ashamed of it, but quite honestly I'm not. It was a runway show and we snuck out during the aftershow. Completely sober, we made love in his apartment to the light of a single lamp like it was a long time coming. Then we separated like it never mattered.

It was 2004 and Liam needed some sort of escape from Oasis and the failings of it. The band had been descending into ruin after 1995. At least that's what I told myself.

When I came home I was pregnant and that was that. Grant pretended not to notice and I pretended it was his. Then we filed the divorce papers. Then that was that.

Fucking sad sack of a life that is. I suppose after Liam nothing can ever be as spectacular.

Till we meet again.

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