Chapter Nine

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AS I WALK TO SCHOOL, I CAN'T HELP THINKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY. I pretty much scrammed after he kissed me (or I kissed him, I don't really know) and now I have to go back to form room not knowing what to say or do if he approaches me.

God, what happened to me? Didn't I used to be a tough broad with an English hate list that stretched down to my waist? Now I'm just a sad sack obsessed with a seventeen-year-old boy in my form room.

I spot Grant James smirking at some slag with a cigarette sticking out of his mouth. Some things never change.

"'ey! America!" he calls.

Karma is a bitch.

I hear footsteps trail me. If that's Grant James--

"Fuck off," I say suddenly, turning around.

But what do you know, it's not Grant but Liam.

He smirks in amusement. "Must've been a wanker yesterday."

I blush and look down. "No. Sorry. I'm just--out of sorts. Fuck."
Liam falls in step beside me. "Ran off yesterday. What did'ya think?"

"Of what?" I ask, worried.

"That kiss."
"Um," I say. "Wasn't expecting it."
He nods slowly.

"I liked it," I confess.

"We got five minutes. Wanna do it again?"

I look up at him. Is this what it's like, being his bird? Stealing kisses before form room?

He raises a thick eyebrow, and at the slightest hint of consent, pulls me into the bushes.

"What's up with you?" Sophia asks. "You're never late to form."
Poppy smirks. "Looks like it wasn't her doing," she points to Liam, who trails me.

I turn, meeting his gaze for a brief second. "Fuck off."

"That's what the leaf in your hair said when it was falling," Poppy remarks.

Sophia gives me a glance, like You better be careful. Dangerous waters.

I smooth down my jeans. Pluck the bits and bobs out of my hair.

I wish they weren't right. I wish I hated the cocky set to his brow, his swagger. I wish I didn't get myself into this mess. I wish I hadn't started falling for him.

Smooth like rainwater, he had kissed my neck whilst I was pressed against the trunk of a tree. Then his kisses ran up to my jaw, then to my mouth, where we shared a long, passionate kiss. His tongue had crept in there too, then his cold hands slipped under my jumper, onto my sides.

Then the form bell had rung and we ran to class, simultaneously cleaning each other up and ourselves up and remembering our things. God, it felt good. Like stupidly good. Like it shouldn't have felt that good.

Live Forever // A Liam Gallagher FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora