"I'm not going in, I don't think you could pass me off as a shadow." Dakota tells her father, patting his shoulder and leaning against the side of the Impala.

"Could try." Dean shrugs, glancing over at Sam across the top of the car.

"No, it's okay, I'm gonna hang out here--call grandma." She says, she leans forward and kisses her dad's cheek. "Don't be an ass to anyone."

"Watch your mouth." He scolds her before ruffling her hair and following after Sam.

Dakota pulls out her phone and dials Mary's number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Mary questions suspiciously.

"It's me, grandma." Dakota chuckles, she scans the outside of the hospital.

"Oh, Dakota, are you alright?" Mary breathes out.

"Yeah, I hit a couple rough spots, but I'm okay." She assures Mary, her grandmother hums in acknowledgement.

"Your dad told me about you wanting to take the Reapers deal." Mary admits.

"Oh, yeah, I was struggling with the whole Lucifer haunting my mind. I still am, but now it's different."


"I don't want to leave my family."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mary asks, sounding concerned.

"I'm dealing with it, but I'm not giving up." She assures, glancing around.

"Are you really?" A familiar voice questions her, this time it wasn't Lucifer. "C'mon, Captain, I know you." The voice teases.

"Uh, grandma, I gotta go, dad and Sammy are coming." She rushes out. "Love you, bye."

"Dak-" Dakota hangs up before Mary got the chance to finish her sentence.

Dakota took a deep breath before wheeling around to face Benny. He was leaning against a tree, a couple feet from where she stood, smirking at her with amusement.

"Benny." She greets almost emotionless, she looks over her shoulder toward the hospital, checking to make sure her family wasn't in sight. "Why can't you leave me alone? I did everything for you, I gave everything to save you in Purgatory."

"I can't leave you because you don't want me to, sweetheart." Benny informs, pushing off from the tree and striding over to her.

"I obviously do, I just asked you to leave me alone." Dakota sasses, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, Captain, you don't." Benny sighs, placing a hand on her shoulder—which she flinches away from.

"Dakota?" Dean asks from behind her, Dakota turns around quickly and smiles at her dad, truly relieved to see him. "You good?" He questions, his eyes scanning their surroundings—almost as if he was trying to see what she did.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good, just getting...settled." She answers, tapping her finger against her temple with a small chuckle. "Where's uncle Sammy?"

"Inside, we ran into Cas and Crowley." Dean explains, leaning against the Impala beside her. Dakota hums before checking over her shoulder, Benny disappeared.

"Why aren't you in there with them?" Dakota asks, she head tilts to the side in confusion.

"I need your help with something."

"With what?"

The corner of Dean's mouth curls into a crooked smirk, but there was something off about it. Dakota was too blind to notice how sadistic that smile was.

"That mean you'll help me?" Dean asks, looking over at her with a soft expression.

Dakota gives him a soft smile, placing her hand on his shoulder as she turns to face him completely.

"Yeah, of course."

A second later she was completely surrounding in a bright white light.

Sorry for such a short chapter, things are going to start moving along, it's gonna be different from the show but don't worry Jack will still be born, it's just being pushed back to follow Dakota's story line.

Also I hope that Dakota's character development is clear for you guys, I'm struggling to put it into words.

She's struggling with being strong and fearless, that's why she was debating Billie's deal, the hallucinations are wearing her down and she started to crack. Dean was able to pull her back from the ledge, but her vulnerability and feelings towards the deal aren't going to completely fade.

I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you thought in the comments!

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